
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The President Responds

George Wenschhof

There is no real time for vacation for a U.S. President -
the issues still find you as President Barack Obama has discovered while in Hawaii. Yesterday, he delivered two addresses broadcast to the nation. One, assuring Americans we will do whatever it takes to dismantle and eradicate terrorists and the other addressed U.S. support of the protesters in Iran. has more here.

The first statement was needed after Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano had her statement made on a Sunday talk show taken out of context. When she said "the system worked...", she was referring to the response to the incident and what transpired after the incident when all airlines around the world were immediately notified and new security measures implemented at airports.

It was painfully obvious something failed in the so called "fly watch lists" and the President said he had ordered an investigation.

The Blog has the full text of the President's remarks

An interesting side note is the position of Director of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), whose responsibility is to handle these type of issues, is vacant due to more obstructionist actions being taken by Republicans. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has held up the confirmation of nominee Erroll Southers even after two Senate subcommittees have given their approval. The Washington Post has more

The second point the President addressed to the nation in regard to the unrest in Iran was most likely due to the criticism he received for staying out of the international fray when Iran held their suspect elections earlier this year and protesters in Iran took to the streets in defiance.

The Blog has the text of the President's remarks on Iran


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