
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 12-6-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama to meet with Democratic Senators today on health care legislation -
the latest attempt to bring moderates and liberals together over a "public option" is picking up steam. What is being discussed is a Federal Employees Health benefit Plan similar to what members of Congress receive and it would be administered through the Office of Personnel Management. has more here.

The President would like the bill on his desk to sign prior to Christmas, which means the senate needs to approve this week prior to the bill going to a reconciliation committee.


The President also intends to spell out what his plans for job creation are in a speech on Tuesday -
after holding the jobs summit last week and unemployment still at 10%, he recognizes the need for action. has more here.

I have been promoting the need for federal funding for a public service employment program. I administered these programs in the 1970's and they work at putting people back to work quickly as well as easing the budget crunch and lay-offs municipalities and states are experiencing currently.


Defense Secretary Robert Gates says there has been no intelligence on Bin Laden's whereabouts for years -
on ABC "This Week" this morning, Gates said they did not have any idea where he was or they would go get him. has more here.

This begs the question; is the Al Qaeda leader still alive?


Democrats consider changes to presidential nominating process -
something I called for repeatedly during last year's contest. The number of super delegates (not determined by voters), the primary state calendar, the two step process of awarding delegates by percentage of overall vote and by congressional district are all part of what is being reviewed. has more here.


Stolen U.N. emails lead to questions on eve of Copenhagen climate summit -
some of the data stolen indicated possible collusion on the part of some to manipulate data showing global warming was man made. Republicans who oppose the cap and trade bill are using this latest episode to support their position on global warming. has more here.


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