
Monday, December 21, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 12-21-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, it's all about health care reform....

Health Care reform passes critical vote in Senate -
in the early morning hours today, the senate voted 60-40 which will now move the bill to a final vote later this week. The Republicans, who all voted against the bill, will no longer be able to filibuster. After the Senate vote, reconciliation between the House and the Senate bills will take place in a conference committee, followed by a final vote by both chambers. The White House is hoping for a bill on the President's desk to be signed just prior to the State of the Union address on January 12, 2010. The NY Times has more here.


After the anticipated approval vote later this week in the Senate, the conference committee takes over -
if they follow the pattern of what has been transpiring over the health care reform debate in Congress, it will not be pretty. The House bill has provisions for a public option and a tax on the wealthy, both of which were solidly defeated in the Senate. However, expect the negotiations in the conference committee to be more tame as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) has already signaled their intent to compromise and move forward with passage. has more here.


Congressional Budget Office says Senate Health Care bill will cost 871 billion -
this falls within the guidelines previously set by President Barack Obama. More importantly, the bill will save the U.S. 132 billion over the first ten years and an additional 1.3 trillion over the second ten years. 31 million Americans who presently do not have health insurance will now be covered. MSNBC First Read has more here.


Will Passage of Health Care Reform help Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) ? -
not always given high reviews for his leadership, he did preside over the wrangling to bring the entire 60 senators who caucus with the Democrats together in agreement. No small feat, considering the liberals desire for a public option and Independent Joe Lieberman (Conn.) seemingly just wanting to say no along with the Republicans. Reportedly it cost 100 million in assistance to Nebraska's medicaid program to secure Senator Ben Nelson's vote. Reid is facing a stiff challenge in his reelection bid next year so watch to see how both sides play this card during the campaign. has more here.


The Senate version for health care reform has in it pluses and minuses depending upon what side you are on -
Some Democratic Senators used their support for the bill to add special provisions that would help back home in their states. But, it was not bad as Senate chair of the finance committee; Max Baucus (D-Mont.) added language that would benefit residents of Libby, Montana who suffer from asbestos related illnesses. AP talks about some of the winners and losers so far in the health care reform debate here.


For those who have not already seen this - Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.) says no to request from Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) for more time to speak - You can be sure one or two liberals were smiling.


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