
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 12-16-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama hits 50% approval rating -
in a poll conducted by ABC News and The Washington Post from December 10-13. This is down 6 points from just one month ago. His handling of the economy and health care reform both drew negative responses with 52% disapproving of how he is handling the economy and 53% disapproving of how he is handling health care reform. ABC News has more here.


Progressive Democrats angry at latest health care compromise -
the Senate Democratic caucus has been unable to agree on a public option, a medicare buy-in, exchanges, or even a state opt-in leaving the more liberal Democrats frustrated over what they feel is a weak bill. has more here.


Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke is Time Magazine "Person of The Year" -
perhaps an appropriate choice as he is clearly the one most responsible for the country avoiding an even more serious economic depression. To play off the magazine's title, time will tell how effective the actions taken by Bernanke will be for Americans. has more.


Climate talks in Copenhagen close to collapse -
as hundreds as angry protesters hit the streets and rich and poorer nations unable to reach agreement, the Summit Conference President resigned. Connie Hedegaard will be replaced by Danish Prime minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen as world leaders from 115 nations arrive over the next two days. has more here.


Obama considers creating bipartisan commission to study tax hikes and budget cuts -
the need to reduce the annual deficit and the national debt has never been greater so let's see if a bipartisan effort can be successful. has more here.


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