
Monday, September 7, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 9-7-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will attend a AFL-CIO picnic in Cincinnati, Ohio - on Labor Day, he will be joined by Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. The president will also name Ron Bloom as senior adviser to manufacturing as efforts continue to get the economy on track. You can read more here.

Tomorrow, President Obama will address the children in school with a much panned speech. Then on Wednesday, he will deliver a speech to Congress on health care reform. The NY Times has more here.


Massachusetts state legislature to decide on interim replacement for vacant Kennedy seat this week - expect the request made by the late Senator Ted Kennedy to receive approval. Governor Deval Patrick would then be able to appoint an interim Senator prior to the special election in January. has more here.


Supreme Court to hear arguments pertaining to campaign finance laws - they are expected to take up a case surrounding limits to corporate and union money to federal campaigns. While many will argue for the need to limit private funds in campaigns, it becomes murky as one would argue you can not limit one on how they spend their money. This will be an important decision in the area of campaign finance reform. has more here.


Governor races in Virginia and New Jersey remain close - the republican candidates are leading the polls in each state and nasty politics have surfaced as a result. In New Jersey, Republican Chris Cristie is leading Governor Jon Corzine (D) and revelations pertaining to an automobile crash Christie was involved in some years ago have been made public. has more here. While over in Virginia, Democrat Creigh Deeds may benefit from a master's thesis written by Republican Robert McDonnell years ago. the Washington Post has more here.

I would guess both Democratic candidates are going to need more than some negative advertising to secure a win in November.


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