
Friday, September 25, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 9-25-2009

George Wenschhof

Today President Barack Obama will attend the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh - more discussion expected in the status of the global economy and the role these nations can play in shaping the future. You can read more here.

At the opening of the summit, President Obama along with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and France President Nicholas Sarkozy demanded Iran open up it's nuclear facilities for full inspection or else face sanctions by December. You can read more here.

The NY Times reported today that U.S. intelligence had found evidence of the existence of a secret underground nuclear facility in Iran. You can read more here.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi meets today with Committee Chairs on health care reform - the goal is to combine the three bills from the Education and Labor, Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means Committees. Louise Slaughter, the chair of the Rules Committee said the plan is to have a bill out by mid October. has more here.


Senate continues mark-up of Baucus health care bill - expected committee vote today is on whether a "public option" should be included. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is still holding out hope for passage, if not in committee, then in the full Senate. Committee chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) is not as optimistic. Instead a non-profit co-op option is expected to remain in the bill. has more here.


Massachusetts Judge hears arguments to stop Kirk Senate appointment - this morning the state GOP argued the appointment was unconstitutional as it did not follow the ninety day waiting period. They also argued against Governor Deval Patrick declaring an emergency which allows him to make the appointment. Suffolk Superior Court Judge Thomas Connolly will announce his decision by noon today. Paul Kirk is set to be sworn in at 3:15 PM today. His appointment will give the Democrats 60 in the Senate. You can read more here.


Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg taken to hospital - yesterday, the 76 year old Ruth Bader Ginsburg was taken to the hospital after feeling faint. She recovered from pancreatic cancer surgery and recently was given a clean bill of health. The faintness was attributed to a iron infusion she had received earlier. has more here.


Closing Guantanamo Bay Prison easier said than done - seems the goal of closing the facility within one year will not be met. White House counsel Gregory Craig who had been overseeing the closing, has been replaced with Pete Rouse a senior adviser. The Washington Post has more here.


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