
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 9-13-2009

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, at a rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota, President Barack Obama addressed over 10,000 on the importance of health care reform - He continued to say that we can't accept the status quo and we will not let those intent on killing the bill spread myths. You can read more here.

Tonight, the President will be on CBS "Sixty Minutes" airing at 7:00 PM ET - He will stay on message with the importance of health care reform now. Make sure you tune in.


Does race play into Republican anger with President Obama? - Maureen Dowd has an op-ed in the NY Times today entitled "Boy, Oh, Boy". In it, she points out some interesting revelations pertaining to Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) "...The congressman, we learned, belonged to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, led a 2000 campaign to keep the Confederate flag waving above South Carolina's state Capitol and denounced as a "smear" the true claim of a black woman that she was the daughter of Strom Thurmond, the '48 segregationist candidate for president. Wilson clearly did not like being lectured and even rebuked by the brainy black president presiding over the majestic chamber....". You can read the entire op-ed here.


Obama to give speech on the economy tomorrow in New York - he will speak at Federal Hall in New York City and discuss the financial reforms that have been proposed in Congress. One year after the collapse of Lehman Brothers led to the financial market meltdown, regulatory reform has not been passed. has more here.


Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (D) set to veto state budget - this is the only state which does not have an approved budget for FY-2009 - 2010 which Began July 1. You can read more details here.


Tina Fey wins Emmy for portrayal of Sarah Palin - she deserved it for her outstanding skits on NBC "Saturday Night Live". Who can forget the line "I can see Russia from my house!". has more here.


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