
Monday, July 6, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 7-6-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama is in Moscow meeting with Russian President Medvedev - let's see if the face to face meeting results in a agreement to further reduce the nuclear weapons held by both countries. A press conference is scheduled for 10:30 AM ET. The Washington Post has more here.


Deposed President Manuel Zelaya unable to land in Honduras - Zelaya attempted to return yesterday after he had been forcibly removed from office and flown out of the country and replaced with interim President Roberto Micheletti. However, the military had placed vehicles on the runway, making it impossible to land. Zelaya's plane finally landed in El Salvador. has more here.


In China, 140 rioters have been killed in Xinjiang - a northwest region of China where culture differences and economic development has led to unrest. Keep an eye on this region in China. has more here.


Former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara dies - at the age of 93 in his sleep at home. He served during the Viet Nam war under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations from 1961-1968. has more here.


GM ok'd to sell assets to U.S. government - federal judge Robert E. Gerber of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern district of New York issued his ruling yesterday. In part, the ruling allows for the sale of some assets to the U.S. Treasury. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


House and Senate back from July 4th break, take up annual spending bills - the House has already approved 4 of the 12 annual spending bills which fund government departments and the Senate intends to have all 12 approved prior to October 1 when the next fiscal year begins. Interestingly, this has not been done by Congress prior to the new fiscal year since 1994. has more here.


Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan being urged to run for Senate - this would be a Democratic primary challenge to Roland Burris. Burris is who filled the vacant Senate seat left by Barack Obama when he was appointed by former Governor Rod Blagojevich. However, she may be interested in running for Governor against fellow democrat Pat Quinn who replaced Blagojevich. Quite the merry-go-round. has more here.


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