
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 7-29-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will attend two town hall meetings on health care reform - in the morning, the president will be in Raleigh, North Carolina at Broughton High School. This afternoon, he will be at a Kroger supermarket in Bristol, Virginia. he will speak on how reform is necessary and how he intends to close the many gaps in coverage that exist today in health care insurance. has more here.


Obama Cabinet Retreat this weekend - it would be nice to be the fly on the wall at this get together. All 22 members of the cabinet are expected to attend the two day event beginning Friday to be held at the Blair House located across from the White House. The Washington Post has more here.


Time for Reasonable Conservatives to end the "Birther Movement" - a few nut cases in Congress continue to question where President Barack Obama was born in spite of the release of his Hawaii birth certificate. Bill Pascoe, CEO of The Foundation of American Freedom says it's time for conservatives to deal with their own whack jobs. Here is an excerpt from his column published in CQPolitics; ............

"And I believe the time has come for reasonable and responsible conservatives to deal with the "Birther" Problem.

In January 1962, conservative leaders faced a similar problem: How to deal with the members of the John Birch Society, whose leader, Robert Welch, believed that the former president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a a conscious agent of the International Communist Conspiracy.

National Review Founder William F. Buckley, Jr., Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, conservative historian and philosopher Russell Kirk, and American Enterprise Institute President William Baroody took it upon themselves secretly to meet at The Breakers hotel in Palm Beach, where they decided Welch and the Birchers would have to be excommunicated from the Conservative Movement, lest their lunacy taint reasonable and responsible conservative political activity.

Were Buckley alive today, is there any doubt he would have the same response to the "Birthers"?

I think not."

You can read the entire column here.


More Stupidity for the GOP to deal with - seems a member of a group "Tea Party" anti-reform gathering in Salisbury, Maryland and attended by some members but not sponsored by the business group; Americans for Prosperity, decided to hang in effigy, freshman Democratic Representative Frank Krotovil. has more here.


Sotomayor receives 13-6 vote of approval from Senate Judiciary Committee - as I reported yesterday, this was the expected vote with only Republican Lindsay Graham (SC) voting in favor. She is expected to receive confirmation by the full Senate within the next couple of days to become the first woman Hispanic supreme court justice. Sotomayor will be able to join the Supreme Court for a special session in September. has more here.


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