
Friday, July 24, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 7-24-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will meet with Senate Leaders Reid and Baucus to discuss health care reform - the president invited Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Max Baucus (D-Mont.) to the White House. Reid announced last night that the president's timeline of an August approval will not be met. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) who is chair of the Senate Finance Committee has been working on a bi-partisan agreement and the committee now is expected to have a bill moved forward by August. You can read more here.

Later in the day, President Obama will discuss his 5 Billion education program that is part of the Stimulus bill. He will make remarks at the Department of Education explaining how states can access these funds. the Wall Street Journal has more here.

Tonight Barack and Michelle Obama will attend the Marine corps parade at the Marine Corps Barracks.


Minimum Wage increases to 7.25 per hour today - this is the last of a series of increases that were previously approved from when the minimum wage was at 5.15 oer hour. Even with the increase, it is incredible to imagine any family being able to live at 7.25 per hour today. has a read here which includes a little history of how minimum wage came about in the U.S. Seems, it started in Massachusetts back in 1912 and covered women and children.


53% view Alaska Governor Sarah Palin negatively - a pretty steep drop in approval for the woman who was the Republican VP running mate for John McCain's presidential bid last year. The Governor is set to leave office early this coming Sunday. the Washington Post/ ABC News poll showed only 40% viewed Palin in a positive manner. has more here.


Middle East Envoy George Mitchell hopes to engage Syria in peace talks - he will be in Damascus prior to Meeting in Israel on Sunday with Israel and Palestine officials. Talks with Syria by the U.S. had not taken place during the George W. Bush administration. You can read more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asks Zelaya to delay his attempt to return to Honduras - the deposed president is trying for the second time to return to the country since a coup resulted in him being flown out of the country and an interim government put in place. Negotiations between the interim government and Zelaya mediated by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias have broken down. Clinton feared an outbreak of violence could occur and caution against a return at this time. Zelaya is attempting to cross into Honduras by Jeep across the northern boundary from Nicaragua tomorrow. You can read more here.


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