
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 7-11-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama meets with Ghana President John Atta Mills - an historic event as Obama is the first African-American U.S. President and this is his first visit to Africa. The choice of Ghana was made partly due to the peaceful and democratic elections which resulted in Mills election to president.

Later, the Obama's will tour Cape Coast Castle, a fort that was used in the slave trade. has more here.


House health care reform bill to include tax - the proposed tax is on income over $350,000 per year and is estimated the revenue to be 540 Billion over ten years. A tax on benefits has also been discussed but Leaders in the senate oppose this action. Meanwhile, Blue Dog Democrats have sent a letter to President Obama with their concerns regarding proposed health care reform. has more here.

The sausage making like process of crafting a bill for health care reform continues. Stay tuned as 47 Americans without health care is unacceptable.


Treasury Department sends legislation to Congress for consumer protection on Wall Street - the proposal delivered yesterday, includes greater authority for the Securities Exchange Commission to oversee and establish standards and accountability to those who provide investment advice. Included in the legislation is a provision to pay whistle blowers for information. has more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls for release of Journalists from N. Korea - admitting they illegally entered North Korea, Clinton asked for amnesty for the two Journalists who have been sentenced to 12 years in prison. The Star-Tribune has more here.


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