
Monday, June 15, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-15-2009

George Wenschhof

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei orders probe of Iran election - in an interesting move, the investigation was ordered after a meeting yesterday between Mir Hossein Mousavi and Khamenei. Mousavi lost the election to incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 63% to 32% according to state reported results. However, those results also showed the other two candidates as only receiving less than 5% of the vote and Mousavi losing in hos own home town. Stay Tuned.... has more here.


Palestinians not happy with Netanyahu's speech - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas expressed frustration with the peace terms presented and said the world should shun the Israeli proposal. In particular, their need to recognize first Israel as a Jewish state and the failure of Israel to halt settlements in the West Bank. has more here.

President Obama issued a statement saying he felt Israel Prime Minister's Benjamine Netanyahu's speech an important first step. You can read Obama's statement here. In his speech, Netanyahu said for the first time Israel would recognize a Palestinian state but it would need to be demilitarized and Israel's safety guaranteed.


Today, President Barack Obama is in Chicago to speak to the American Medical Association (AMA) on his health care plans - The AMA has never been a fan for universal health care. However, they do want limits on malpractice suits so perhaps some compromise can be reached. The NY Times has more here.


Government run health care option is tough sell on Capitol Hill - Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) said yesterday on CNN "State of The Union" he did not feel there were enough votes to pass this version. The President has been pushing the publicly run option as a way to offer competition to private run health care plans. Conrad has floated a proposal that would create private non-profit co-ops who would provide an alternative to private run health care plans. has more here.


Specter and Hillibrand to receive Democratic 2010 opposition in spite of appeals from Obama and Democratic leaders - Representative Joe Sestak intends to challenge Arlen Specter for the U.S. Senate next year in spite of assurances Specter received he would have a clear playing field after he switched over to become a Democrat. In New York, representative Carolyn Maloney is set to challenge Kirsten Gillibrand who was appointed to fill Hillary Clinton's Senate seat. Joe Trippy will be Maloney's campaign manager so watch this one. has more here.


NOW to elect new President this weekend in Indianapolis - Kim Gandy is stepping down as the president of the National Organization for Women after serving 8 years. The three day conference in Indianapolis, Indiana will determine the new president for the organization. It appears the vote will be close between Terry O'Neill who is from Montgomery County, Maryland and Latifa Lyles, and African-American who has been one of three Vice Presidents under Gandy. Both candidates have received high ranking endorsements with Lyles securing the endorsement from Gandy. has more here.


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