
Friday, June 12, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-12-2009

George Wenschhof

Fox News Poll shows Obama with 63% approval rating - not heartening for Republicans when a conservative news station shows continued high ratings for President Barack Obama. The poll was taken June 9-10 and had a margin of error of 3 points. has more here.


Republicans propose Energy Plan - loaded with more of the "Drill Baby Drill" ideas and a proposal to build 100 nuclear plants. You can read more here. They wonder why fewer and fewer Americans are identifying themselves as Republican? No nuclear plant has been built in the U.S. in over twenty years and there is still the major problem of what do you do with the nuclear waste produced.


More Bad News for Republican Party - Gallup just released a new poll showing 38% of Republicans and Independent leaning Republicans have an unfavorable opinion of their party. Only 7% of Democrats and Democratic leaning Independents have an unfavorable opinion of their party. has more here.


The Congressional Budget Office is expected to release cost estimates for on Democratic health care plans - it is expected to be high and give fodder to republicans who say the country can not afford to move forward with these plans at a time of financial crisis. Some Democratic leaders are suggesting figures be used instead from the Office of Management and Budget. (OMB). has more here.


Polls close in Iran - early results expected 6:00 PM ET - reports indicate voting was heavy with the speculation President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in jeopardy to lose the Presidency to former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi. The other two candidates were Moshen Razai and Mehdi Karoubi. Pundits are wondering if President Obama's recent speech to the Muslim world might have an impact on the outcome. High inflation and unemployment also continue to plague Iran. has more here.


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