
Friday, June 19, 2009

City of Frederick, MD Election Update

George Wenschhof

It is now 87 days until the primary election on September 15 and the July 7 deadline for filing for office is rapidly approaching for those considering a run for office.

In 1997, I ran for alderman, losing by 19 votes in the Democratic primary. My overall theme was "Planning for The Future By Building On Our Past".

My platform outlined in a brochure was as follows:

Accountable Representation - I called for aldermen to be elected by voting districts.

Fair Taxation for City residents - I brought up the tax equity issue with the county government calling for a reduction in the county tax rate for city residents.

An Accessible City Hall - examine city organizational structure and clearly define roles to facilitate coordination between departments - called for city directors to live in the city as they should live under the rules they enforce.

Smart Development - Pay as you Grow - a consensus must be reached to provide funds as we grow for the new schools, roads, water and sewer necessary to accommodate new city residents. We must stop mortgaging the future to pay for the past.

Revitalize Downtown - utilize local talent, East Street extension must stay on track as it will alleviate downtown traffic congestion and facilitate development.

A Strong Past - A Bright Future - pointed out we had much to be proud of: Carroll Creek Flood Control Project, Keys Stadium, Shab Row restoration, Weinberg Center, Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, National Museum of Civil War History, Gov. Schaefer building and a designated historic district - finishing with we should be excited about the city's prospects as we enter the 21st century.

When you look at the mayoral and aldermen platforms and the issues being discussed in this election, the issues pointed out by me in 1997 are still relevant.

The reason for pointing this out is when you go to vote, choose the candidates who you feel are capable of implementing what they say. The city can not afford to go another 12 years without improvement in these areas.

Jennifer Dougherty and Jason Judd remain the two Democratic candidates for mayor and seven Democrats have filed for alderman. The seven aldermen candidates are John Daniels, Andrew Kofkin, Donna Kuzemchak, Carol Krimm, Kelly Russell, Michael O'Conner and Karen Lewis-Young.

We will know what Bill Hall officially decides to do on Saturday at the Juneteenth celebration at Mullinix Park. Incumbent alderman David Koontz has also yet to make his intention officially known to the voters.

Speculation continues on the street as to what other Democrat may file to run for mayor. Hard to say what that tells us, other than there is currently no indication of consensus from Democratic voters toward Dougherty or Judd.

Meanwhile, Dougherty continues to do what she did in the 2001 election when she won and that is knock on doors and talk to voters. Her website indicates she has now knocked on 5000 doors. That is impressive, considering Mayor Jeff Holtzinger won in 2005 with only 4,740 votes. She says she is receiving enthusiastic response and her yard signs are beginning to pop up across the city.

Jason Judd sent an email to supporters recently asking for their help in a leaflet drop on June 20. Interestingly, while initially Judd yard signs were the only ones up, they have not noticeably increased in number.

Both Democratic mayoral candidates have been holding various fundraising events at homes of supporters. Unfortunately, when the city financial reporting guidelines for candidates were adopted, the first of four required reports is not due until September 2. This is just two weeks prior to the primary. The second report is not due until two weeks prior to the general election. The last two reports are due following the election. These dates obviously favor the candidates.

As to the aldermen, with voters choosing five in the primary, it remains a cattle call with no one particular candidate rising above the others.

The under votes in the alderman election are many due to voters casting a ballot for 1 to 3 aldermen. So, for an aldermen to be elected, they need good name recognition and be either the first, second or third choice of the voters.

This is why incumbents typically have an advantage, unless voters have been turned off to them for one reason or another. This could give incumbent Donna Kuzemchak and David Koontz an advantage.

However, they are some who question as to if they and Marcia Hall questioned enough some of the actions taken by Mayor Jeff Holtzinger. Donna also is going for her fourth term which is a long time for an alderman. Yet, many voters like the fact she tells it as she sees it and is not afraid to do so.

Karen Lewis-Young will benefit from the last name, but will still have to highlight her position on the issues. I have already received one of her Brochures at home and she has a nice website up and running where she discusses her platform. I also noticed that Kathy Rossen who has been the Treasurer for delegate Sue Hecht is her Treasurer.

Michael O'Conner also has a website and as the former moderator for the local cable show "Pressing Issues", should have name recognition among the voters. He also is very knowledgeable on the issues.

John Daniels and Andrew Kofkin are both new names and have their work cut out for them. They both have websites where they spell out the issues important to them.

Kelly Russell has been out there as a candidate the longest but still needs to get her message out to the voters. She has a website as well. Her actions supporting the designation of her neighborhood as a historic district brought about more nays than yeas.

The last current announced Democratic candidate for alderman is Carol Krimm. The tax equity issue I brought up in 1997 is the main point she has brought forward at this time. As a member of the Frederick County Democratic State Central Committee, she unfortunately has the jinx facing her that no one from the central committee has been elected to any office since 1997 when then chair Blaine Young won. Of course, Blaine switched parties and is now a Republican.

All of the links to the websites of the Democratic candidates are located in the right hand margin of my homepage. So, go check them out! Donna Kuzemchak told me she would have hers up soon.

Also remember to visit our website on Tuesday June 23 when I interview live, mayoral candidate Jennifer Dougherty beginning at 7:00 PM ET.

On Monday June 29, I will interview mayoral candidate Jason Judd beginning at 7:00 PM ET.


Air-it-Out with George Wenschhof has not endorsed any Democratic candidate at this point. We will endorse prior to the primary on September 15.


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