
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

City of Frederick, MD Election Update

George Wenschhof

It is time for a quick update on Democratic news in the City of Frederick election.

The filing deadline of July 7 is fast approaching for candidates and one candidate who I wrote previously had changed his party affiliation back to Democrat and would run for Alderman has set a date for his announcement.

Former two term alderman Bill Hall will make his formal announcement on June 20 at Mullinix Park at 3:00 PM. There were rumors from some voters who wanted to see Mr. Hall run for Mayor, but he assured me he is running for Alderman.

This day will also observe and celebrate Juneteenth day at the park. Also known as Freedom Day or Independence Day in observance of June 19, 1865 when the Union freed the last slaves in Texas. You can read more here.

He will be an automatic favorite to win election as he is well known and respected in the community. He invites you to come to his announcement and show your support of his candidacy.

He will make it eight Democratic candidates for the five slots elected in the primary election on September 15. Incumbent alderman David Koontz has yet to announce his intentions.

As little as one year ago, Mr. Koontz was heavily rumored to be a candidate for Mayor. While many voters have indicated to me that they would like to see a Democrat alternative to Jason Judd or Jennifer Dougherty, look to see Koontz file for reelection for alderman. This would make it nine Democratic candidates and rumors persist of another one or two candidates will file.

One of those rumored candidates is Joe Cohen, the owner of Classic Cigars, a British goodies business located on North Market Street in downtown Frederick. Recently, Mr. Cohen of British decent, became a U. S. citizen. He has been a resident of the city for close to ten years and has always been outspoken when it comes to city issues. Upon review of the city alderman candidacy filing papers, he feels he meets the requirements to run.

Update 6-3-2009: It appears if Mr. Cohen were to file for alderman, it would be as a Republican. He first registered as a Democrat after he became a U.S. citizen, but recently changed his registration to a Republican.

The current Democratic candidates for alderman are John Daniels, Andrew Kofkin, Karen Lewis-Young, Michael O'Connor, Donna Kuzemchak, Carol Krimm, and Kelly Russell.

Every city election year, conversations abound surrounding slates being formed by a Mayoral candidate and aldermen candidates. This year is no different and the answers from the candidates is always the same.. "if elected, I will look forward to working with the other elected officials....".

In other words, I am running my own race and I don't intend to upset supporters of another candidate whose vote I may need to get elected.

However, behind the scenes, the mayor-alderman dance unfolds. Only incumbent Donna Kuzemchak makes no bones about enthusiastically supporting Jennifer Dougherty for Mayor. However one could speculate Carol Krimm who worked on Dougherty's campaign for Congress last year will be among her supporters. I was informed of Andrew Kofkin's intent to run from Jennifer who indicated she had met him at her Restaurant and had encouraged him to run. I would suspect Kelly Russell and Michael O'Connor of also being supporters of Dougherty. So this would make five aldermen candidates one could argue favor Ms. Dougherty for Mayor.

Karen-Lewis-Young, the wife of former mayor Ron Young who has endorsed Jason Judd is a sure bet to be supporting Judd for mayor. Ms. Lewis-Young also has a past less than friendly history with Ms. Dougherty from the time she served as President of the Weinberg Board of Directors.

I enjoyed listening to the recent announcement speech given by John Daniels and if i had to guess his leanings for mayor, I would say Judd.

Bill Hall and Jennifer Dougherty have both made efforts to put aside any past difficult experiences so I do not see Mr. Hall being lumped with either Democratic candidates for Mayor. Nor do I currently see alderman David Koontz favoring one candidate for mayor, should he not decide to run for mayor.

Stay tuned...


  1. I think that it is presumptuos, if not sexist, to assume that Karen Young supports Jason Judd just because her husband does.

  2. In fact, Karen Young made her disputes at Weinberg public, in the newspaper, and also with some vitriol in the streets - how can you suppose that she would ever support Jennifer Dougherty? This was not sexist or about her husband imo -

  3. Oh,I understand...Jennifer Dougherty is the only person in Frederick that moves on and reaches out to former rivals.
