
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-30-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will discuss community service programs - which are happening across the United States. He will give his speech from the White House.

Also today, some new ways to track spending and hold government accountable will debut on the website. has more here.


Obama approval rating stays high - The latest CNN/Opinion Research poll shows the president with a 61% approval rating. To read more details on the poll, has more here.


Supreme Court rules in favor of white firefighters - in a split 5-4 decision, the court reversed an appeals court decision pertaining to tests used to determine hiring. Supreme Court Justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor was involved in the appeals court decision and expect some Republicans to try to make a big deal out of this. The NY Times has a good read here which points out the supreme court ruling offers little guidance on fair hiring.


Obama speaks out against Honduras Coup - he, along with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are calling the action that removed President Manuel Zelaya illegal. Zelaya was put on a plane and flown to Costa Rica. A interim President Roberto Micheletti has been appointed by the Honduran Congress. The action taken to remove Zelaya was a result of his wanting to serve another term which required a constitutional referendum approving his bid for reelection. The highest court ruled the referendum was illegal. Stay Tuned. has more here.


U.S. troops complete withdraw from Iraq Cities - as the first step of the overall agreement of U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki declared a National Sovereignty Day and fireworks went off in Baghdad. Concern remains among some as to the readiness of the Iraq security forces. has more here.


Oil companies line up to bid for Iraq oil and gas - thirty-two international companies will bid today for 20 year service contracts. This is the first time these companies have been allowed in Iraq for close to thirty years. Pay close attention to who is rewarded with these contracts as many have argued the U.S. intervention in Iraq was all about their oil and gas reserves. The Wall Street journal has more here.


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Monday, June 29, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-29-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will meet with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe - the meeting to be held at the White House will likely cover the U.S. concerns in regard to Human Rights and Colombian interest in a trade pact. The Washington Post has more here. It was just last year during the presidential campaign that Mark Penn, a senior adviser to the Hillary Clinton campaign, caught some flack over his company representing Colombia in regard to trade negotiations.


Meanwhile in South America, a coup results in the ouster of Honduras President Manuel Zelaya - President Obama called for Democracy and the rule of law and a return to power of Zelaya. U.S. diplomats are working to ensure the safety of Zelaya and his family. has more here.


Over in Iran, results from a partial recount are expected to be released at the end of today - the government indicated they were conducting a recount of 10% of the vote. Hard to say what the recount will tell us as Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei has already ruled the election will stand. has more here.


Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak to meet with U.S. Middle East Envoy George Mitchell - it is expected during a meeting in D.C. tomorrow, Israel will offer to suspend building on the West Bank for a period of 3-6 months as negotiations continue toward a two-state solution with Palestine. President Obama has said that Israel must stop the settlements in the West Bank in order for peaceful solutions to move forward. The NY Times has more here.


Back home in the U.S., Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) says he will not delay issuing certificate to Al Franken (D) - the Minnesota supreme court is expected to rule soon on the vote challenge by Norm Coleman (R). Minnesota has been one Senator short on Capitol Hill since the November 2008 election due to legal challenges by Coleman. has more here.


The Obamas decide on a Church - after visiting many of the churches in D.C., they have decided on the Evergreen Chapel located at Camp David, the presidential retreat. It is a nondenominational church and is the same one used by former President George W. Bush. has more here.


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City of Frederick, MD Mayoral Candidate Jason Judd to be Guest Tonight

George Wenschhof

Tonight, beginning at 7:00 PM ET, I will be having a conversation with Democrat Jason Judd who is running to be mayor of the City of Frederick, Maryland. Plan to tune in to see his positions on various issues important to you.

Last week, my guest was Jennifer Dougherty, the other announced Democratic candidate for Mayor. The link to my interview with Ms. Dougherty is located in the right hand margin of the Home Page.

The deadline for filing for office is July 7 and the primary is September 15, 2009.


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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-28-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama to meet with 250 Gay Leaders at the White House on Monday - in the East Room, they will be publicly commemorating the 40th anniversary of the modern gay rights movement. The president has come under fire recently from the gay and lesbian community for not doing enough in this area since his election. The NY Times has a good read here.


David Axelrod says President Obama will not insist on public option as part of health care reform - in a major shift in policy, the White House Senior adviser said in an appearance on NBC "Meet The Press" today, there were no lines drawn in the sand when it came to health care reform. This is interesting as President Obama has attended town hall meetings and has publicly stated he insisted in a public option for Americans. has more here.


Supreme Court decision expected tomorrow on "hiring procedure" case previously ruled on by Sotomayor - Sonia Sotomayor, the nominee for the Supreme Court was one of three appeals court judges who ruled that officials in New Haven, Connecticut had had properly in regard to disallowing firefighter promotions based on racially skewered results. The lawsuit was filed by white firefighters. Expect Republicans to focus on this ruling as Sotomayor confirmation hearings begin in a week. You can read more here.


Iran detains British Embassy staff - Supreme Leader Ayatollah ali Khamenei expressed his displeasure with statements from Britain he feels were meant to interfere with Iranian elections. Britain has demanded the immediate release of the Embassy staff. Stay Tuned. has more here.


Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) call for limits of electronics sales to Iran - in the wake of the government restrictions imposed on communications after the recent Iran election. They are requesting action to be taken by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. has more here.


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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-27-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama sends his condolences to Jackson's family - yesterday, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs released a statement from the president which expressed his sadness of the passing of Michael Jackson. has more here.


House narrowly passes Energy and Climate bill - by a vote of 219-212. There were 44 Democrats who voted against the bill and 8 Republicans who voted for the bill. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he had the votes and he was right. republican Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh.) used some theatrics to slow passage when he began to read; page by page, a 300 page amendment presented earlier yesterday by Democrats. The bill now moves to the Senate for a vote. has more here.


Democrats to begin review of presidential nominating process today - after the long convoluted nominating process in the 2008 election, the Democratic National Committee created a commission charged with reviewing and improving the process. Let's hope they do a reasonable job. The "change committee" is chaired by House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) and Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.). They expect to take the next six months reviewing the calendar, superdelegates, the proportional award of delegates by total vote in a state as well as by congressional district. has more here.


U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq urban centers to begin next week - as part of the overall withdrawal agreement with Iraq. Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Malicki is confident Iraq forces can provide safety in those areas. U.S. Iraq General Ray Ordierno will appear tomorrow on Fox News Sunday and CNN "State of The Union". has more here.


Questions continue as to what to do with Gitmo Detainees - the Obama administration initially indicated they wanted to move toward trials and closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison currently housing suspected terrorists. Congress has been uncooperative in resolving the issue and other countries have not jumped at taking some of the prisoners. The President may be forced to issue an executive order to continue the imprisonment indefinitely of some of the prisoners deemed "too dangerous" to prosecute or release. has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address 6-27-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama speaks of the importance of the House vote yesterday passing the Energy and Climate Control bill. He speaks to how the bill will help create green jobs, cleaner air for our children, energy independence and combat climate change. You can watch his speech by clicking on the picture below.

download .mp3 download .mp4 read the transcript

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Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Guests 6-28-2009

George Wenschhof

Remember to check your local listings for time and channel.

NBC "Meet The Press" - David Gregory will welcome White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA).

The political roundtable will include Mike Murphy, David Brooks, E J Dionne, and Dee Dee Myers.

Expect discussion on the House vote on the Energy and Climate bill, the Iran election and President Barack Obama's reaction to it, health care reform, and a growing national budget deficit.

ABC "This Week" - David Axelrod is making the morning rounds as he also sits down with George Stephanopoulos. Also appearing is Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Grassley has been extremely critical of health care reform - In particular, the public option and the price tag.

The roundtable will include Paul Krugman, Peggy Noonan, Michael Eric Dyson, and Kathleen Parker.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Bob Schieffer interviews Dr. Susan Rice, the US Ambassador to the United Nations. Expect the recent UN sanctions on North Korea to be discussed.

Also appearing will be Governor Haley Barbour (R-Miss.). Barbour was named to replace Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC) who resigned as head of the Republican Governor's Association (RGA) after revelations of his affair with a woman from Argentina.

Fox News Sunday - Chris Wallace will be talking about health care reform and Iraq. His guests will be Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell R - Kentucky.

Also appearing is General Ray Ordierno who likely will be asked about the U.S. agreement to withdraw forces from cities within Iraq scheduled to occur next week.

CNN "State of The Union" - Iraq General Ordierno also appears with John King. Additional guests are Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-Minn.), Rob Portman - 2010 Republican candidate for Senate in Ohio and 2010 Republican candidate for Governor in Ohio, John Kasich.

T. Boone Pickens will talk about his natural gas energy plan.

CNN "Farred Zakaria GPS" - UK Prime Minister Tony Blair will discuss the recent Iran election. Also to be discussed in President Obama's economic plan.


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Friday, June 26, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-26-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel - they will meet at the White House and are expected to discuss a wide range of issues such as Afghanistan, the global economy and climate control. A press conference is scheduled for 11:30 AM ET. has more here.


Energy and Climate vote expected today in House - while the House is overwhelmingly made up of Democrats, this bill is expected to pass by a narrow margin. Many compromises have taken place in the effort to reduce emissions by 17% by 2020. The Washington Post has more here.


Health care reform legislation reduced to 1 Trillion over ten years - this legislation resembles the making of sausage as so many details are constantly being negotiated and changed. The latest effort at reaching consensus is an announcement by the senate finance chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) that the cost had been reduced from the estimated 1.6 to 1.8 Trillion to 1 trillion over ten years. has more here.


The slow dance to replace Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) begins - Edward Kennedy has been Senator since 1962 and now at his age and battling brain cancer, the quiet shuffle to position oneself for the position begins. Kennedy's term ends in 2012 and in a Democratic party controlled state, the question becomes who will succeed him? has a good read here.


Lack of minority hiring on Capitol Hill scrutinized - in the Senate only two chiefs of staff are minority. Under consideration is the NFL's so called Rooney rule - named after the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The rule requires the owners of professional football teams to interview at least one minority for each vacant head coaching position. has more here.


Gallup Poll shows differences between Republicans and Democrats on Economy - Republicans are concerned about increasing the federal deficit, increasing federal income tax, and problems states have with funding their budgets. Democrats are worried about rising unemployment, the rising cost of health care and those who are without health care. has more here.


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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Al Gore Urges Passage of Energy and Climate Bill

George Wenschhof

The House is expected to take up the vote tomorrow. The former Vice President and Democratic nominee for president in 2000 asks for your help. This bill would be very comprehensive in dealing with emissions control and future energy needs. Take a moment to view his video below. You can also contact your Representative to let them know of your support by dialing the number listed below.

Daily Democratic Wire 6-25-2009

George Wenschhof

Last night, President Barack Obama appeared in a ABC televised town hall meeting to discuss health care reform - he acknowledged compromise was necessary for passage of the bill but insisted on the option of publicly funded health care. ABCnews has more and a video clip here.

Tonight, the president will entertain members of Congress, staff, and their families at the White House - the plan is to hold a traditional luau -sounds like good eats! 2,500 are expected to attend. has more here.


Discussion on Immigration bill to begin today at the White House - the president has invited senior members of Congress to begin the discussions leading to a bill on Immigration. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is the chair of the Senate subcommittee on immigration and Senator John Cornyn (R-Tex.) is the leading Republican on the committee. Expect this to be a slow moving piece of legislation as it is a highly charged issue. The NY Times has more here.


S.C. Republican Governor Mark Sanford was missing with the other woman - The Governor is now back - seems the Governor has been having an affair with a woman who lives in Argentina. The dalliances of politicians have always caught the attention of voters and this one promises to provide more fodder for water cooler talk and late night comedians.

While Democrats have had their share of indiscretions, this comes at a bad time for Republicans. Sanford, who had been considered a contender for the GOP nomination for president in 2012 has resigned as chair of the Republican Governor's Association and Governor Haley Barbour (R-Miss.) has replaced him. The next question is will he resign as Governor of South Carolina? The Washington Post has more here.


Non-Partisan redistricting on the horizon? - don't count on it, but a bill has been introduced in the House to do just that. Representative John Tanner (D-Tenn.) has introduced a bill that would be similar to what Washington state does when it comes to redistricting. A five member board is appointed with two members each being appointed by the Republican and Democratic caucus. The fifth member must be approved by all of the 4 appointed members. This idea would certainly go a long way toward ending the crazy and sometimes ridiculous gerrymandering that has been proposed by political parties in power across many states in the country. Great idea, but I don't look to see it pass. has more here.


Senator Arlen Specter looks very vulnerable in 2010 reelection bid - after falling from grace with the republican party, Specter switched to the Democratic party. He received assurances from Democratic leaders, including the president, he would not face a primary challenge. Only problem was Representative Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) wasn't listening to the party leaders and made it known he intended to run for the seat. Sestak may be on the right track as a recent poll showed only 28% of Pennsylvania voters supporting Specter. has more here.


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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-24-2009

George Wenschhof

Iran election to stand - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said they had no intention of altering the results of the vote. Yesterday, in a nationally televised press conference, President Barack Obama condemned the brutal and unjust actions taken by the Iranian government toward those who were protesting the vote. You can read more here.


Afghanistan election on the horizon - current Afghan President Hamid Karzai is pretty much considered a U.S. puppet. He has limited travel within the country and when he does, he is heavily guarded by U.S. troops. His challenger to the presidency, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai warns of a rigged election on August 20. Stay tuned. has a good read here.


How weird is this? Republican Governor Governor Mark Sanford sighted - after disappearing last week without even his wife knowing where he was, the Governor was interviewed after arriving in Atlanta. After his staff had indicated he was hiking the Appalachian Trail, a ambitious news reporter had located the state vehicle he had been driving located in the parking lot at Columbia International Airport with a sleeping bag, jogging shoes inside. Upon being met at the Atlanta airport, his initial response was he had been in Buenos Aires, unwinding from a difficult session with the state legislature. There is surely more to come in regard to this story. This man was being considered a strong possibility for President on the Republican ticket in 2012. You can read more here.


More Nixon Tapes and Documents released - expect more interesting tidbits to be released as the media pours over 154 hours of new tapes and 30,000 new documents released by the Nixon Library. Not exactly what the Republican Party needs at this point after being routed in the recent elections and polls showing less than 23% of Americans are Republicans.

The late Republican President Richard Nixon was impeached over the Watergate scandal and these additional released tapes and documents will be fascinating to read. So far, it is being reported Nixon stating in a conversation he believed the Republican Party should recruit attractive women to run for office - not because he was for women, but because he felt they would be competitive. has more here.


Climate Change Bill vote may come Friday - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) is pushing this forward for a vote and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) indicated he would not be moving it forward without the votes to pass. Not all Democrats are in agreement, but the president gave the bill a boost as he expressed his support yesterday in his press conference. has more here.


Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke expected to give update on economy today - policy analysts have been in meetings for the past several days discussing possible actions in regard to the economy. Any action decided is expected to be announced at the end of the day. has more here.


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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wenschhof Interviews City of Frederick, MD Mayoral Candidate Jennifer Dougherty

George Wenschhof

I am pleased to have as my guest tonight, the former mayor of the City of Frederick, Democrat Jennifer Dougherty. The interview will begin at 7:00 PM ET and last approximately 1 1/2 hours. I will first publish my question and then wait for her response. Upon receipt of her response, I will publish it along with my next question. We are communicating via computer with each other from different locations within the city. I have not shared with her any of the questions I may ask beforehand.

I would suggest you hit your refresh button on your computer about seven to ten minutes after you see a published response from Ms. Dougherty and my next question. This will ensure you see her more recent published answer and my next question.

On Monday June 29, I will be interviewing the other announced Democratic candidate for Mayor, Jason Judd. The links to the interviews will be placed conveniently in the right hand margin of our Home Page so readers can easily access and view at a later date.

As far as I know, this is the first time a candidate for Mayor of The City of Frederick has agreed to be interviewed live online. I hope city voters find this to be of benefit to them as they decide who they will support in the September 15 primary.

GW - Welcome Jennifer, let me start off with a question pertaining to your one term as mayor of the City of Frederick. While I am sure there are many accomplishments you are proud of, one memory that has stuck with the voters is the many acrimony filled mayor and board of aldermen meetings. Whether or not it was you or Republican aldermen Bill Hall and David Lenhart who caused the acrimony is not the question. You have been quoted recently by a local columnist as having changed and you once mentioned to me in an interview you had learned from the past. Tell the voters what you have learned and how you feel you have changed since the 2002 - 2005 term you served as mayor.

JD - Thanks for the chance to answer some questions George. Your site is a good opportunity for people to get the "inside scoop" on local politics.

You are right, I am proud of our accomplishments, but I am equally proud that I have taken the time to listen and learn. Since I love Frederick and think I have something to offer the local political scene, I did examine what I can do better in the future. I realized that part of my frustration with some members of the Board of Aldermen was due to not understanding how quickly they understood the issues or the possible solutions. People come at problems from different perspectives. Perhaps some things were more clear to me and I just needed to slow down and consider their observations more. I know everyone wants to contribute something to the solution, so I just have to wait for them to voice their suggestions.

And, I will take my share of responsibility for the lively debates, but it takes "two to tango".

Politics is a funny business, when you tell people the truth or stand up for your City's interests, you can be considered fair and tough or...something less favorable. Since it's a City worth fighting for, I really work on listening through the helps me make better decisions too.


GW - One of the areas a mayor has considerable sway in is the hiring with the consent of the aldermen, "at will" positions. As you know, these are upper level management positions, some of which have been added by amendment to the Charter. A new mayor, with consent of the aldermen, can add to and/or delete these positions. Have you given any thought to how you would like to structure upper level management? Specifically, do you feel there is a need for a city manager, a public information officer, and a director of intergovernmental relations?

JD - I have not given a lot of thought to changing the structure of government, I am focused on winning the Primary and then the General Election. When I took office in 2002, I made a few changes and there were some vacancies available for me to fill. I hear on a daily basis that one of my best recruits was Chief of Police Kim Dine - I agree. I also avoided making unnecessary changes and kept most existing civil servants on board.

A city of our size needs a public information officer to get the public and press meaningful information in a professional a timely fashion. It should not be someone's side job since the demands of the position are full time and possibly more than that if an emergency occurs.

Given my experience, I oppose a City Manager at this time. It is the Mayor's job to be in touch with the big issues and to have qualified Directors who handle the details. I have not given any thought to a new position of Intergovernmental Relations, so right now, I would not add that position.

The next Budget is going to be tough and cannot see adding too many spots. I want to focus on the essential positions first - Police, Finance, Public Works, Planning & Engineering. There are many talented people currently working for the City and I hope to be able to work with them again.

Finally, I tried to make the hiring of top managers based on a contract during my first term. I would like to have a conversation with the Aldermen about creating a system and allows the employment contract to come to them for approval. It might outline key performance issues more clearly.


GW - During your administration, you established the Neighborhood Advisory Council (NACs) through executive action, as a way to receive more input to city hall from citizens from different areas of the city. Some voters have complained the current Republican Jeff Holtzinger administration has not worked well with the NACs and at one point some voters expressed concern he was trying to eliminate them. How do feel the evolution of the NACs has gone in the 3 1/2 years since you were in office and is there anything different you would do in this area if elected mayor?

JD - The Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs) were part of my platform and I passed legislation creating them. The NACs were further strengthened in the Land Management Code and Planning process. It required that residents get a presentation in the NACs for new projects. The system still needs to be fine-tuned, but it is working. (We might need more presentations on Historic District guidelines and processes.)

I won't speak to what Jeff has or has not done with the NACs - the fact is, they are still in place. I hope we can return the NACs to their original purpose and that is to serve as a "soapbox for residents". I am glad the police beat officers and often the Chief attend the NACs to listen and learn about neighborhood problems.

I will use the NACs for the Comp Plan, Budget and new initiatives presentations because people always like first-hand information. It is where I will start the Capital Projects and Budget reviews once the Aldermen get a chance to review the priorities.


GW - One of the most important responsibilities a mayor has is to prepare yearly, a balanced budget for approval at a mayor and board meeting prior to the end of June. This year's budget of approximately 80 million was just approved at the last mayor and board meeting. As one who prepared four balanced budgets, are there specific areas you would have budgeted differently and if so, what were they and why?

JD - The Budget is no easy task in a tough fiscal environment. This year's Budget has some opportunities for further cuts in spending -- non-police overtime, part time positions, travel, professional service agreements. The Contingency Fund was way too high - $ 750,000. It came down to $500,000 which is plenty. It also put a lot of General Fund money into Capital Projects, specifically Monocacy Blvd. that perhaps should be spread over more years.

The other side of the equation is revenue. While everyone realizes property owners are taking a beating, all other revenue sources need to be closely examined. Grants were down, revenue trends for some of the funds have really slipped over 4 years. It does not appear to be related to the economy.

I would make a proposal to the Aldermen to reduce the burden on homeowners and cut the Homestead Property Tax Credit from 5% to 3% over the next 3-4 years. It would mean capping the rate their property taxes would increase at 3% vs. the current 5%.


GW - The Frederick County government procedure known as "Tax Equity" popped up in discussions again this year during budget preparations, primarily due to the nationwide economic downturn, which caused the county to reduce the level of reimbursement to municipalities as they struggled to adopt their budget. A somewhat convoluted process, it is a means used by the county to reimburse municipalities for overpayment by taxpayers for duplication of services. Back in 1997, I called for this process to be examined and changes made. If elected, what would you do in this area?

JD - The current tax equity system is not really equitable because the formula is really up to the Board of County Commissioners. They had a tough year too, but the burden should not have been placed disproportionately on all municipal residents.

If elected, I will work the Board of Aldermen and other municipal leaders to present the best case to the Board of County Commissioners that repayment should be guaranteed. The money is collected for specific purposes, it's not optional.

If a new formula cannot be developed, we will keep talking and come up with another good plan to avoid placing a heavier burden on municipal residents.


GW - The Frederick Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) regularly makes news headlines as they make decisions on actions by owners who restore property within the designated historic district. A recent flap pertained to Mayor Holtzinger allegedly instructing staff to disregard fines imposed on the property owner of the building many of us refer to as the "Professional Building" in downtown Frederick due to what he must have felt was a frivolous decision on the part of the HPC. Do you feel this was a proper move by the mayor and if not, what would you have done in this case?

JD - Federal, state and local laws guide how we implement and enforce the guidelines for the Historic District. The existence of the Historic District actually helps preserve buildings and history, but also their value. Since Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission actions have an appeal process, the Mayor should not have ignored the process - it makes it confusing for everyone.

While I may agree with the spirit is Jeff's intervention - everyone has a story in the Historic District--the process could have been handled better. He cannot tell staff to ignore the law and I don't know if that is what happened. He could have brought in the appropriate staff to evaluate the problem and hold the fines in limbo until the correct legal process was followed.

Jeff is right, we want a welcoming business environment, but part of that is making sure everyone plays by the same rules and the process is open and transparent.


GW - Future growth of the City of Frederick is a concern of many voters. The current city administration is currently considering annexing three properties north of Frederick known as the Crum Farm, Sanner Farm and Thatcher Farm. Do you favor all of these annexations and if not, why?

JD - It does not matter what any candidate says about the proposed annexations, the Board of Aldermen will vote soon and the next Mayor and Board probably won't have anything to do with the land.

My record on responsible growth is clear: I placed a moratorium on building and annexations when we exhausted our water and I would do the same thing if the circumstances required it.

The land owners are making their case through a legal process and the City and County should follow our respective processes.

I will support the provisions of Smart Growth, encourage infill development and protect resouces with needed legislation like the Water Allocation Ordinance.


GW - Existing and new development impacts all areas of infrastructure and services provided by government such as roads, water, sewer, police, hospitals and schools. We do not have the time to talk about all the impacted areas in this interview. However, could you briefly touch on your position on the 3-2 vote taken today by the Frederick County Commissioners to move forward and build a waste-to-energy plant (Incinerator) to handle future waste disposal.

JD - The WTE Incinerator issue keeps on ticking! Please go to my website for more information, but the short version is - I oppose the incinerator and have been on the record for more than a year. I oppose it for the site, the environment, the technology and the cost.

I know the choice for the County Commissioners was a tough one. While the current Mayor and Board support the WTE, I hope we can have a complete conversation about the City's participation in the current plan. The share for City residents is about $100 million - almost $1600 per person.


GW - There are many questions I want to ask, but we only have so much time. Hopefully, you will agree to be interviewed again prior to the election. I want to now specifically ask you about a few proposals you discuss on your website: . One proposal pertains to the restoration of the Golden Mile Task force. That area has changed significantly since I was young and it was a farmland and after the mall was built when I was a teenager. What do you intend to be the charge of this task force?

JD - Thanks George, I will come back anytime.

The Golden Mile Task Force can be the driving force for the needed re-development of the area. Much like the Carroll Creek Task Force worked to bring a good plan to the table for the elected officials to support, we can take a new look at Route 40.

When in office, we adopted the Golden Mile Tax Credit District that helped many property owners make improvements to their commercial sites without hurting the City revenues. Those credits expire soon and it can be the starting point for the first meetings.

I also think re-development has to go beyond the traditional retail development options and we could include my proposed Veteran's Rehab facility for the Golden Mile - the people are there, the space is there, the transportation and infrastructure are there -- it could be the perfect anchor.


GW - Another proposal on your website speaks of developing a Civilian Conservation Corps 2.0 to manage the 7000 acre watershed. This is interesting to me as it was the original CCC that funded the many picnic tables and grills that are still present today. In fact, when I was a young lad, my family would go to the Fishing Creek Reservoir City Park on a regular basis to picnic. Tell the voters what you envision here.

JD - The Civilian Conservation Corps 2.0 is a way to recruit recent college grads back to the area for meaningful work, to preserve and protect the City Watershed and to experiment with an employment idea that could be used in other areas of the City.

The City Forest Rangers would work for 2 years under contract with the City for a salary and college loan repayment plan. They would get a place to live and a vehicle. Their mission would be to work with interested groups and individuals to rebuild trails and mark areas for recreational uses and protect against over-use. After 2 years, they move on and we get 2 more recent grads -- same base salary, fresh energy!

It's been a long time since anyone has been able to spend meaningful time in the Watershed, but this plan can work because the money can come from existing federal grants to protect watersheds and recreational areas. Please read the whole plan --


GW - I want to thank you again for being my guest on Air-it-Out with George Wenschhof . The time has flown by and we have spent over two hours in this conversation. So, at this time I would like to give you an opportunity for a few closing remarks.

JD - Thanks again George, I look forward to the next installment!

This is an election that transcend political parties. It does not matter what political party picks up your trash or plows the snow from the streets, but it does matter what understanding and experience your candidate brings to the job.

My 22+ years in business and my term as Mayor make me uniquely qualified to handle the job of Mayor again. I would not be running if I did not think I could fix what is broken. The next Mayor will have to deal with tough issues. We need someone who has been a manager, an executive and decision maker. We need someone who can make the tough call when necessary. Leadership requires choices.

Compare all of the candidates' records and choices. I hope it will help clarify your decision as a voter.

In 2002, I started a change in City government that needs to be completed. We need a government that is open, transparent, fair and progressive. It's really a simple promise -- Good Government, No Secrets!

City of Frederick, MD Mayoral Candidate Jennifer Dougherty to be Guest Tonight

George Wenschhof

Tonight, beginning at 7:00 PM ET, I will be having a conversation with Democratic candidate for Mayor, Jennifer Dougherty live online. Plan to visit the site to see her positions on various issues important to you.

On Monday June 29 at 7:00 PM ET, my guest will be the other announced Democratic candidate for Mayor, Jason Judd.

If you are unable to watch live, we will post a link to the interview on our site for you to access a a later date at your convenience.


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Daily Democratic Wire 6-23-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will hold a press conference at 12:30 PM ET - the president is expected to discuss several issues including health care reform, energy and climate control, the stimulus program, financial regulatory reform and the recent events in Iran surrounding their election. has more here.

Later today, the president will meet with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet at the White House.

President Obama and Michelle also issued a statement yesterday expressing their sadness for the families who had riders on the D.C. metro train that crashed yesterday.


Today, Vice President Joe Biden is in Perrysburg, Ohio - he will be announcing the creation of the White House Council on Automotive Communities and Workers. The council will be chaired by Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. You can read more here.


ABC/Washington Post Poll shows 65% approval rating for President Obama - the president continues to receive high approval numbers from Americans. In the area of foreign policy, Obama received a 61% approval rating to 32% who disapproved. In his handling of the current questions surrounding the election in Iran he received a 52% approval rating while 36% disapproved. On the domestic front, 52% felt the Stimulus Bill was helping. ABCNews has more here


Climate Bill to move forward in the House - after I just published the bill might be in trouble, it is now set to go to the House floor for a vote as early as Friday. Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Henry Waxman (D-Calf.) is pushing the bill forward. President Obama is also expected to offer support of the bill today in his press conference. has more here.


S.C. Republican Governor Mark Sanford takes a Hike - literally! He had been missing since the end of the last week and even his family did not know where he was. Yesterday, his staff released a statement he was hiking along the Appalachian Trail. Interesting, his family did not know where he was and he was not at home for Father's Day. Lt. Governor Andre Bauer obviously has questions as to who is in charge. Stay tuned. has more here.


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Monday, June 22, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-22-2009

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama will hold a press conference from the White House today on agreement with pharmaceutical companies to help with health care reform - I reported over the weekend a 80 Billion deal had been reached. Lower drug costs for Seniors is part of the proposal. The president is expected to provide more details today at noon. has more here.


President Obama to sign anti-smoking bill this afternoon - the bill passed by Congress gives more authority to the Food and drug Administration over the regulation of tobacco sales and marketing. You can read more here. The president has been known to sneak a smoke here and there but promised upon winning the election, he would not smoke in the White House.


Iran Revolutionary Guard signals they will not tolerate continued protests - it is difficult to receive a true picture of what is happening in Iran since the election as the media has been filtered. Mir Hossein Mousavi who lost the election and disputes the results continued to call for peaceful demonstrations. has more here.

The NY Times is reporting the Iran Guardian Council is admitting up to 3 million over votes in 50 cities. You can read more here.


Congress to begin deliberations on financial regulatory reform - Both Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chair of the House financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), chair of the Senate Banking Committee have scheduled hearings on the Obama proposal. Their hope is to be able to send a bill to the president for signature by the end of this year. has more here.


Meanwhile, climate change and energy bill moves forward slowly - the bill has received opposition, even among some Democrats. However, supporters of the bill are determined to win passage. has more here.


World Bank says recession will be deeper than previously forecasted - not the best news to hear and initial market reactions had global markets showing a loss. However, the U.S. federal reserve believes we are slowly emerging from the recession. has more here.


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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-21-2009

George Wenschhof

Happy Father's Day!


NY Times/CBS Poll shows 72% of Americans support public health care - this is a huge shot in the arm for President Obama who has come under fire from Republicans who oppose any publicly funded health care. Only 20% opposed and 7% had no opinion. the NY Times has more here.


Unrest in Iran continues - Twitter and Facebook continue to be a major source of information coming from Iran as the government has limited access to media. While these sources of information are valuable, they are also not necessarily a total picture of what is transpiring within Iran. All the more reason for the present government to allow for a free press. has more here.


Republicans continue to play games in House - unhappy with how appropriations have been going and their inability to offer amendments, they have resorted to procedural means to slow the approval process. has more here.


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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Daily Democratic Wire 6-20-2009

George Wenschhof

Unease continues in Iran - a day after the U.S. House and Senate passed resolutions condemning the violence in Iran following the election, police were out in force to block planned demonstrations. Rallies had been planned in both Freedom Square and Revolution Square in Tehran. has more here.

The Iranian Guardian Council said they were prepared to hold a recount of 10% of the vote chosen randomly and in the presence of representatives from the three defeated candidates for president. has more here.

While some Republican leaders have been quick to attack President Obama for not speaking out in a more forceful manner in regard to the Iran election, I believe he is handling it correctly. Remember, the U.S. had an election in 2000 many felt was stolen from the people by the supreme court. However, no American would have wanted interference from other countries on our vote.


80 Billion deal in the works to fund medicare drugs and help pay for health care reform - in a major agreement with the pharmaceutical industry, medicare beneficiaries would receive better drug coverage and part of President Obama's health care legislation would be paid for in the agreement being negotiated. You can read more here.


Sotomayor resigns from all woman's club - after continued questioning from Republican leaders, supreme court justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor resigned from the organization. She sent a letter informing Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee of her decision and stating she did not feel it violated and judicial ethics. You can read more here.


Last night, the President attended a Radio and TV Correspondents dinner - one of the requirements is a speech which includes a long list of hopefully funny one-liners for the crowd. In case you missed some of the television replays last evening, has the video of Obama's speech and interviews with others who attended the dinner here.


Hillary Clinton's Elbow surgery successful - she underwent the surgery yesterday at George Washington University hospital after suffering a fracture from a fall. Doctors say she is expected to recover fully without any lasting damage. has more here.


Obama names Ertharin Cousin as US Representative to UN Agencies for Food and Agriculture - she was a senior adviser during the campaign and is currently president of the Polk Street Group. Her past includes a stint as White House liaison to the state department and as a national leader in domestic hunger relief. has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address 6-20-2009

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama spoke on the need for financial regulatory reform. His proposal to overhaul the financial markets includes a new consumer protection agency, more power for the federal reserve, and more government oversight. You can watch his address by clicking below.

download .mp3 download .mp4 (49.0 MB) read the transcript


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Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Guests 6-21-2009

George Wenschhof

NBC "Meet The Press" - David Gregory lands Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This will be important to watch as Netanyahu just delivered a speech offering for the first time to recognize Palestine as a state under certain conditions. President Obama is trying to restart the peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

Also appearing are formers Senators Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and Fred Thompson (R-Tn.). Chuck Todd and Nina Easton will also provide some commentary.

ABC "This Week" - George Stephanopoulos has Senators Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC). He is expected to discuss the health care and financial regulation reforms before Congress.

The roundtable will include George Will, Cokie Roberts, Sam Donaldson, Robert Reich, and Bill Keller.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Bob Schieffer will interview senator John McCain (R-Ariz.). Expect to hear discussion on the recent Iran election as McCain has expressed dissatisfaction with statements coming from the Obama White House.

Fox News Sunday - Chris Wallace has Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Evan Bayh (D-Ind.). Also appearing will be Representatives Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) and Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.). More discussion on the Iran election is sure to transpire.

CNN "State of The Union" - John king has Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.), Richard Lugar (D-Ind.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Health care and Iran will continue to be the subject of discussion.

CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS - this continues to be a favorite of mine and airs at 1:00 PM ET. Zakaria will take an in depth look at Iran and the power of Ayatollah Khamenei. He will also discuss the impact information technology (Internet, Facebook, Twitter) has had in Iran.


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