
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Week in Review and Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Guests for 5-3-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Week in Review:

The H1N1 Flu outbreak reached the U.S. and one fatality was reported. The World Health Organization raised the threat level from a 3 to a 5 by the end of the week with a 6 being a full pandemic. Vice President Joe Biden created some angst when he said he would not travel on subways or planes. This statement was quickly reputed by the White House who said their recommendations were to wash your hands frequently, use common sense, stay home if sick and see a doctor if you have flu symptoms.

Chrysler began the week with news they had reached agreement with United Auto worker Union on concessions and were hopeful for the merger with Fiat to be completed. They ended the week by filing for bankruptcy.

Cries for an independent investigation on torture of detainees under the George W. Bush administration continued with Democratic Senators Carl Levin (Mich.) and Pat Leahy (Vt.) leading the way.

President Obama unveiled his housing aid program to help reduce payments on second mortgages.

Congress passed Obama's 3.5 trillion budget blueprint on his 100th day in office. This means of passage also allows the Obama administration through a parliamentary procedure, to avoid a possible filibuster in the Senate when they move to approve the specifics of their health care program. Republicans continued to vote "No", a questionable strategy for future success of their political party.

Obama's 100 day press conference was a hit as he continued to portray confidence and a calm demeanor. He summed up what had been a whirlwind of actions in both the domestic and international political arenas.

The President's Cabinet finally was complete as the Senate voted to confirm Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services. On Friday, the president has his first full cabinet meeting at the White House.

Republican Senator Arlen Specter switched political parties and became a Democrat, moving Democrats closer to the magic filibuster proof 60 in the Senate.

The House passed credit cardholder's bill of rights legislation aimed at protecting consumers against unfair and high hidden fees and interest rates. The Senate is expected to pass their version next week, so expect this to become law.

The Federal Reserve delayed releasing their bank stress test results after the banks disagreed with their data and their fear the reports could adversely impact their stockholders.

At the end of the week, Justice David Souter announced he was retiring from the Supreme Court. Appointed by President George H. W. Bush, he has been an ally with the three other liberal justices on the court. This will mark the first Supreme Court nomination by President Obama, who stated he planned to announce his nominee by October of this year. The White House should expect strong lobbying from Women and Hispanic representatives.

While no U.S. ship captains were captured and held for ransom by Pirates and N. Korea did not launch another ballistic missile last week, foreign policy issues remain aplenty. Especially of concern at the present is the stability of the Pakistan government. The nuclear armed country continues to battle Islamic militants.

The Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" and their scheduled Guests are listed below. As always, remember to check your local listings for time and channel.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Host David Gregory focuses on the flu outbreak with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Centers for disease and Controls and prevention acting Director Richard Besser. Also appearing is new Democratic Senator Arlen Specter (Pa.).

ABC "This Week" - The H1N1 Flu outbreak continues to get the attention as all three; Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius and Richard Besser all also appear with George Stephanopoulos. Also appearing are Senators Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Ut.).

The roundtable discussion will include George Will, Gwen Ifill, Paul Krugman and Gerald Seib.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Sebelius, Napolitano and Besser make it three in a row as they appear with Bob Schieffer. It is evident the Obama administration is working overtime to inform the public on the status of the flu outbreak and the fact the are doing so underscores the seriousness of the flu threat to the health of Americans.

Also appearing, is Democratic Senator Arlen Specter (Pa.)

Fox News Sunday - Chris Wallace makes it the fourth program this morning to have Besser, Napolitano and Sebelius as guests on their show. Also appearing will be senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and John Ensign (R-Nev.)

CNN "State of The Union" - John King makes it a clean sweep as Napolitano, Sebelius and Besser appear on his show as well to discuss the flu outbreak.


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