
Monday, April 6, 2009

O'Connor Announces Alderman Candidacy

Michael O'Connor

I appreciate the opportunity to talk a little bit about my background and why I am running for Alderman for the City of Frederick.

I was Born and raised in Frederick, and bring nearly 20 years experience in business, journalism, and community involvement to this campaign. This work has prepared me to be a steward of public resources, and the eyes and the voice of the public in government. To be successful we will need all our citizens to come together in service to support Frederick

Since October 2006, I have been the Business Manager for Saint Katharine Drexel Roman Catholic Church, where we often use the word stewardship. Government has much in common with non-profit organizations, and I believe elected officials must be good stewards of the public's resources. That has never been more important as Frederick, along with our citizens, navigates this challenging economy. The responsible use of taxpayer money must be priority one. Which brings me to issue one.

Financial Accountability
Challenges and opportunities await us. It's no secret the now infamous City Hall buyout was a mistake, the recent 120 million dollar bond issue seems ill-timed, and the full costs and benefits of condemning of the Hargett Farm to construct a park have not been adequately explained. So what have we learned?

On the buyout, perhaps we need an Alderman who will ask more and better questions. If the Aldermen do not have all the information they need to vote, then maybe they shouldn't. Sometimes the answer should be NO! As for the bonds, no doubt necessary and worthwhile projects will follow. But the Aldermen were still getting information minutes before they were expected to make the final decision. And none of that information appeared readily available to the public the evening of the last vote. That's unacceptable. And certainly a park is preferable to hundreds of new homes for the residents who live in the West End and already navigate daily traffic nightmares, school, and residential overcrowding. But it's pretty clear county residents are going to benefit as well, and the city should explore such partnerships before we commit tens of millions of dollars through condemnation and park development. We need recreation facilities, multi purpose fields, perhaps an Aquatics center. But let's bring the stakeholders together and plan it BEFORE the city foots the bill.

Police and Public Safety
We have a first class police department, with leadership that has made responding to the needs of this community a priority and we must do all we can to sustain it. The presence of officers at every NAC meeting is evidence the department wants to work with and be responsive to residents. When we make the time to really listen to our citizens, we will be a better Frederick. And I believe our first class department deserves first class facilities.

Economic Development and Quality of Life
We have a beautiful and vibrant downtown, with interesting shops, great restaurants, and wonderful events which are the result of vision and energy. We have a talented and hardworking Economic Development staff, Special Events, and the Downtown Frederick Partnership working every day to make Frederick better. We need these efforts to continue and expand to all parts of the downtown, and from East Frederick to the Golden Mile, and throughout our City. No neighborhood, no resident, should ever believe the City doesn't care about them or their community. I will be an Alderman for all of Frederick.

We must make sure our Land Management Code continues to function as a practical guide for development today, while reinforcing our goals for the community we want tomorrow. The current document is not perfect, but I don't believe it ever can be perfect. We should never stop asking what we want to be, and we should course correct as often as necessary, to try an get there. The moment we believe we're done, we are done.

Transparency and Public Information
This may be as important as anything, because a good process will almost always yield good results. As Alderman, I will use the skills developed over a career of watching local government from a unique front row seat. I will ask questions and challenge assumptions. As a radio and television reporter, and more recently as the moderator of Pressing Issues, I always considered the job of journalist to be one of service on behalf of citizens. Ask the questions the public would ask. Seek the answers the public would want. The things that drew me to journalism, a desire to learn about the world around me and share that knowledge with others, will guide me as Alderman. The goal is to make the community better.

Public Service
Finally, we know that most resources, like money, are limited. But one resource we have in abundance is our people. Now is the time for our citizens to renew their commitment to the City of Frederick, and to their community. Elected officials and our non-profit organizations can't do it alone. We cannot expect that in an era of diminished financial capacity, treasure alone is enough. Our time and talent are just as valuable.

I am asking for your service, not just in support of this campaign, but in support of this city. I want to hear from you. I make no promises except that when you talk to me, I will listen. And when you elect me Alderman for the City of Frederick, I will work with you and for you to make Frederick better.


Editor's Note - We have offered to publish an announcement column from all the Democratic candidates who are running for office in the City of Frederick election this year. Publishing of these columns by the candidates does not indicate an endorsement on our part.


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