
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Democratic News Chatter 4-25-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

New strain of Swine Flu hits Mexico and U.S. - as of yesterday, over 1000 were infected in Mexico City and 68 had died. There had been 8 confirmed cases in the U.S. with no deaths. The World Health organization and the U.S. Center for infectious disease is monitoring the situation closely. There has been a fear among health professionals of a flu pandemic outbreak. has more here.

Let's hope this is not the start of one. The Obama administration has issued a statement that they are following the situation. This would be one more serious test on the new Obama administration in addition to a severe economic recession and foreign policy issues.

This morning, the World Health Organization has scheduled an emergency meeting to discuss this fast spreading new flu strain. has more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in Iraq - In a previously unannounced visit, Clinton arrived in Baghdad to meet with Iraq leaders and American military officers. In an initial speech, she indicated the U.S. was committed to a stable Iraq, even as we prepare for withdraw. She arrives a day after a series of suicide bombers resulted in deaths of at least 140 with another 240 wounded. You can read more here.


Democrat Scott Murphy wins in NY district 20 - republican Jim Tedisco called Murphy yesterday to concede. Murphy had a 399 vote lead as final absentee and challenged ballots had been counted. Republicans had hoped for a victory here which they had planned to brag on prior to the mid term elections next year. has more here.


Government stress test of largest banks to require them to have more capital on hand - the reports were shared with the largest 19 banks in the U.S. yesterday. The release of the reports to the public is due on May 4. has an initial report here.


Gingrich and Gore disagree on climate and energy legislation - not a surprise as both testified yesterday before the House Energy and Environment subcommittee. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich continued the Republican refrain of questioning global warming and the need for new legislation. While former Vice President Al Gore detailed the importance of curbing greenhouse gas emissions. has more here.


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