
Friday, April 17, 2009

Democratic News Chatter 4-17-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Yesterday, President Obama was in Mexico meeting with President Calderon - they discussed a variety of issues including arms trafficking, cracking down on drug cartels and strengthening regional security. has more on the meeting here.


Today, the President attends the Summit of the Americas - the two day conference with leaders of 33 countries in Trinidad and Tobago will cover a wide range of topics. It is expected President Obama will be asked to end the 47 year old trade embargo with Cuba and to support the inclusion of Cuba in future summits. has more here.


Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke announces 1 billion in U.S. aid to Pakistan - at at international conference in Tokyo, japan also committed to 1 billion in aid to Pakistan. How the money would be spent would be determined by the International Monetary Fund. This comes after Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari spoke out against any conditions being attached to the aid. has more here.

Meanwhile, diplomats and intelligence officials express increasing fear of Pakistan becoming an Islamic state - President Zardari has allowed Islamic law to prevail in various provinces within Pakistan, while Al Queda and the Taliban continue to operate freely within the country. has a good read here.


Obama Car Czar may be under investigation by Security Exchange Commission - the NY Times is reporting the SEC has filed a complaint surrounding a payment of one million by a firm to secure NY state 122 billion pension fund. The firm was co-founded by Steven Rattner who was appointed by President Obama to oversee the restructuring of the auto companies. The NY Times has more here.


CIA memos released justifying harsh interrogation techniques - four internal memos written during the George W. Bush administration provided the legal basis for the use of waterboarding and other interrogation techniques. The Obama administration has indicated they will not prosecute those CIA personnel who used these techniques. However, look to see those who provided the legal justification for the use of these techniques to come under scrutiny. has more here.


NY District 20 special election update - most of the over 6000 absentee ballots have been counted and Democrat Scott Murphy has extended his lead over Republican Jim Tedisco to 178 votes. As of 4:00 PM ET yesterday, the state board of elections had the vote count at 79, 452 to 79,274. The remaining absentee ballots should be counted today. This is a Republican registered district where moderate Democrat Kirsten Hillibrand had served for one term prior to being named to fill the vacant Hillary Clinton Senate seat. The Republican National Committee had hoped for a victory here and had planned to spread the word that this was a anti-Obama message being sent by the voters. Regardless, of the outcome, it will be hard for Republicans to tout the outcome here.


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