
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ask Democratic Candidate Jason Judd a Question

George Wenschhof Bio

Jennifer Dougherty and Jason Judd are the two Democratic candidates who have announced and filed for the office of Mayor of The City of Frederick, Maryland. The deadline to file is July 7.

Last week we took questions you submitted and asked Jennifer Dougherty live online as many of the questions as we could in a one hour period. Actually, Ms.Dougherty stayed online for an additional 10-15 minutes to answer another question.

This week, it is Jason Judd who will answer your questions live online on Thursday April 9 from 7:00 - 8:00 PM ET. To ask Mr. Judd a question, just click on "Comment" at the end of this post and follow the instructions. If you encounter any problems, click on "Need help posting a comment?" at the top of our Home Page.

You are encouraged to leave your name and indicate if you are a resident in the City of Frederick. The deadline to submit a question is 8:00 PM ET Wednesday April 8. We will rank them and ask Mr. Judd in the order we have ranked them as time permits.

We received a very positive response last week from our readers and if we continue to receive your interest, we will continue to offer and publish "Meet The Candidate" forums for the Democratic candidates for mayor once a month.

Also, let me know if you would like to see us do the same for the Democratic candidates for Alderman. You can email me at

4-8-2009 Update 8:01 PM ET Questions are now closed.


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  1. What have you learned with your union organizing experience that will help you if elected mayor?

  2. The City of Frederick partnered 5 years ago to create a business incubator that is still strong and viable today...when you are describing creating a business incubator what are you talking about? And where do you propose to get the money to fund and additional incubator?

  3. Editor's Note-The following question for Mr. Judd was left on a diferent post on the site and I placed it here.

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Democratic Chatter 4-8-2009":


    Please, list 3 professional experiances that are applicable to you being mayor....

  4. Editor's Note - This is another question for Mr. Judd that was left on a different post on the site and I have placed it here.

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Democratic Chatter 4-8-2009":

    Can you name three items on the most recent city budget proposal that you would cut... and please name three items that you would add to the city budget and describe how you would pay for them...

  5. I have a question for Jason Judd... I have heard you are an economist... can you comment about the cities Finances? How's the city's fiscal health? Why are taxes so high and
    what would you do differently on City finances?

  6. I live and work in downtown Frederick and I am concerned about the local economy, specifically small businesses down here. What do you think the city can do to help small businesses? How will you, if elected Mayor make a difference to local business owners?

  7. I have 3 kids in public school in Frederick. Tell me how you can make a difference in our school systems? What does the City have to do with education?

  8. Everytime I turn around I hear the City spending more money on this and that. What can you do to stop that kind of spending in the city?

  9. What does having been a community organizer have to do with being Mayor?

  10. Your professional career is that of a union organizer...what does a union organizer do any way? And why does that give you experiance to run one of the largest cities in Maryland?

  11. "He has taken on tough issues that matter to people and businesses here in Frederick. For example, he challenged the nation’s biggest companies to play by the rules on taxes and health care." the former is from your website... what are the nations largest companies that you are refering to? What rules were they breaking on Healthcare and Taxes and how did you Jason Judd make them play by the rules?

  12. Some of Jason’s qualifications for Mayor of Frederick include:

    Managing operations with multi-million dollar budgets

    Question: What business operation were you managing? What was your title and job responsibilities?
