
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Democratic News 4-30-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Today, at noon ET, President Barack Obama will speak on the status of the auto industry - Rumors have been flying that Chrysler will be filing bankruptcy, yet the president seemed to put the damper on those rumors last night during his 100 day press conference.

Later in the day, the president will meet with Senators John McCain (R-Az.) and Carl Levin (D-Mich.) to discuss reforms in the military procurement process.

At 4:00 PM ET, Obama will make some remarks pertaining to the Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride.


Obama shines during 100 day press conference - throughout the one hour question and answer period, I kept thinking how fortunate we are to have Barack Obama as our President. He articulated his positions on the issues extremely well and came across in a very calm and confident manner. This had been missing during the eight years of the former George W. Bush administration.

He was clear in defining waterboarding as torture and pointed out correctly that even if useful information had been obtained as a result, there was no proof the information could not have been obtained by using other interrogation techniques. He responded to his critics who claimed he was for big government by saying he did not want to manage the auto industry or the financial sector. He mentioned he had enough already on his plate and those actions pertaining to banks and auto industry were necessary due to the fragile economy. As to the continued Republican strategy of "No", he doubted that would turn out to be a successful approach with voters to the issues facing the country today. He again reiterated his wish for a bipartisan approach in Washington but correctly pointed out the voters had also called for change.

He started off the press conference with warnings on the new flu strain outbreak in the U.S. and provided sound advise to Americans as we prepare to deal with the outbreak. Of course, as I mentioned yesterday, he also thanked Congress who provided him with budget blueprint approval of his 3.5 trillion budget. On the foreign policy front, one statement that caught my attention was when the president said he was confident the nuclear arsenal in Pakistan would not fall into the hands of Islamic militants even though he labeled the current Pakistan government as fragile.

All in all, a good start for his presidency. Here is a full transcript of the press conference and below is a video provided by MSNBC.

Obama: 'I'm pleased ... but I'm not satisfied'
April 29: In a press conference marking his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama says there is still a lot of work to do but that the administration will be "unrelenting" in solving the nation's problems.



Dow Jones up 82.27 in early trading - even as news that Chrysler will declare bankruptcy is everywhere, the market continues it's steady climb. At 8268, this is the highest it has been all year. has more here. A slight drop in jobless claims was also reported by the Labor Department; down from 645,000 to 631,000. You can read more here. Keep in mind, seasonal jobs become available from now through the summer months. If national unemployment climbs during this period, it is not a good sign for the economy.


Van Hollen already gearing up for the mid term 2010 elections - The Maryland Democratic Representative is the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. While he acknowledges the ruling political party loses an average of 30 seats in a mid term election, he is targeting seats he feels the Democrats can win. he has identified 29 districts won by Obama in the 2008 election. has more here.

The 435 member House is currently made up with 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans. Even with a 30 seat gain by Republicans in 2010, democrats would still hold the majority of seats; 227 - 208.


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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Annie E. Casey Foundation Wants to Hear from You on Obama's Actions which have Aided Children and Families

George Wenschhof Bio

I received the following in a email today and wanted to share it with you. You can read what people have said so far by clicking on the "100 Days, 100 Voices" Icon link in the right hand margin of our Home Page. To add your comments, click on the link below.

First 100 days: Tell us what has changed for children and families

To mark the first 100 days of the Obama Administration, the Annie E. Casey Foundation is inviting concerned citizens speak up and tell us – in 100 words or less, or with a video clip lasting no more than two minutes – What is the most important thing that the Obama administration has done for children and families during this first 100 days? And what should be next on the agenda?

Beginning April 29, we will display selected photos, videos and emails collected through the campaign on our website and promote them throughout the Web. The campaign is designed as the start of a national conversation; we hope the discussion on progress made for kids and families will continue and remain part of the national agenda.

I submitted the following:

The positive impact of the election of President Barack Obama on the well being of children was felt soon after his Inauguration. Within two weeks, Congress had presented to him and he had signed into law, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP). This bill had been vetoed twice by former President George W. Bush. The bill not only ensures the continued coverage of 7 million children, it added coverage to 4 million children in need across the country. has the remarks made by President Obama when he signed the bill here.


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House Passes Obama Budget

George Wenschhof Bio

As expected, the House easily passed the Obama 3.5 trillion budget today. has more here. The House-Senate reconciliation was approved in the House by a 233-193 vote with all voting Republicans voting "No". They naysayers were joined by 17 Democrats, including newly elected Maryland 1st district Representative Frank Kratovil. The Democrats who voted "No" appear to be from districts which may be vulnerable for reelection. Kratovil won in Maryland what had been a long held Republican seat after moderate Republican Wayne Gilchrist was beat in the primary by ultra conservative Maryland state senator Andy Harris.

It appears with the defection of Senator Arlen Specter to the Democratic ranks, many thick headed Republicans do not seem to understand the far right wing nuts of their party are not helping them. In more bad news for Republicans, the Pew Research Center is reporting that only 23% of voters identify themselves as Republicans. That is down from the 30% reported six years ago. has more here.

The Senate is also expected to approve the budget prior to when President Obama delivers his televised (except for Fox News) 100 day press conference tonight at 8:00 PM ET. No signature by the president is needed.

A concern raised by many is the degree of deficit spending included in the budget. The current year deficit could reach 1.7 trillion. However, this was due to the Troubled Assets Relief Bill (TARP), the Stimulus bill and a supplemental funding bill to the budget this year. The national debt is currently 11.2 trillion. The five year budget plan presented by the president reduces the deficit spending to 500 million by 2014.

6:29 PM ET Update: Congress has now passed the 3.5 trillion budget as the senate voted to approve 53-43 with a vote mostly along partisan lines. This comes less than two hours prior to when the president is scheduled to hold his press conference on his first 100 days in office. has more here.


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Democratic News 4-29-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President Barack Obama will travel to Arnold, Missouri this afternoon - In a run up to his national press conference tonight marking his first hundred days in office, he will attend a town hall meeting at Fox Senior High School. The "show-me" state of Missouri had been an accurate predictor of presidential elections until this year when they narrowly voted for Republican candidate John McCain.

The national press conference held at the White House will begin at 8:00 PM ET. Interestingly. the "fair and balanced" Fox News will not broadcast the press conference. It will be available on all the other major networks and cable MSNBC and CNN.


First Flu fatality in U.S. reported - sadly, it was a 23 month old child in Texas. President Obama asked everyone to take "utmost precautions" and said schools should consider closing if infections are reported. has more here.


Finally, the Obama cabinet is complete with the senate approval yesterday of Kathleen Sebelius as Health and human Services Secretary - the outbreak of the swine flu in the U.S. prompted quick action by the Senate yesterday as this position will oversee much of the U.S. efforts to contain the outbreak. The vote was 65-31. has more here.


On the 100th day of his presidency, President Obama joined by Vice President Joe Biden welcome new Democratic Senator Arlen Specter to the White House - around 9:00 AM ET, Specter was warmly greeted at the White House in a publicized press conference. has more on the remarks here.

The Republican party continues to be in disarray and continued obstructionist actions by the "right wing nuts" will only serve to keep them a minority party in Washington. Senator Specter is now guaranteed a victory next year and the state of Pennsylvania will remain Democratic.

Adding to Republican woes is a op-ed in the NY Times today by Olympia Snowe who is a Republican senator from Maine. She speaks about why the Republican party lost Senator Specter and that it did not need to happen. You can read her op-ed here.


First Quarter reports from Commerce Department shows economy continues to shrink - this clearly illustrates the magnitude of the problem facing the Obama administration and Americans. The last quarter of 2009 showed a decline of 6.3% in the GDP and the first quarter of 2010 shows a decline of 6.1% of the GDP. has more here.

The positive effects of the 787 billion Obama stimulus bill will not be able to be measured until after the second quarter. Also keep in mind, if the swine flu outbreak becomes serious in the U.S. and around the world, it will further exacerbate a bad economic situation.


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Frederick Co. MD "Up and Coming" Young Democrats

Marley Pegler Bio

Jihad for Dummies:

A Frustrated Student's Journey through a twenty-five page Research Paper

As I aimlessly browsed through the shelves at C. Burr Arts Library, I came across a book, What A Billion Muslims Really Think, by John Esposito. Before I even cracked open the cover, the title took me; it made me reconsider a topic I hardly noticed.

Somehow, this inspired me to dedicate a twenty-five page research assignment to the topic of jihad. Which by the way, I knew absolutely nothing about. I'd never taken a course on Islamic, or even Eastern Studies. About two months ago, this sounded like a wonderful idea. Now, as my deadline looms, and I've gone through about six theses, I realize how crazy that decision truly was. Here's my seventh thesis, my best yet: jihad is confusing.

In the midst of 53 library books and hundreds of extraneous post it notes, my stomach lurches as I approach my laptop to attempt to write. I begin to type, the "clack clack clack" of the keyboard encourages me forward. I stop to find a reference in book # 36 The Shade of Swords, by M.J. Akbar. Thirty minutes later, I emerge from the book with that familiar feeling of uncertainty and dread. I am no longer satisfied with thesis # 8. I dive into the jihad cave beneath my towering piles of library books to begin my search for yet another thesis. Here's my ninth thesis: jihad is really confusing. And here's my support:

John Esposito, the author that inspired me to write this dreadful paper, defines jihad as, "'striving or struggling' in the way of God… the obligation incumbent on all Muslims to realize God's will, to lead virtuous lives..." While Webster's Third New International Dictionary presents jihad in a very different light: "a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; a bitter strife or crusade undertaken in the spirit of a holy war against the unbelievers and the infidels." These two definitions couldn't possibly be defining the same thing. What is jihad? Is it holy war or is it a peaceful spiritual struggle to live a good life? To my Western, non-Muslim mind these two concepts seem to contradict one another; they couldn't possibly both be jihad. Then which one is incorrect? The more I learn about Islam and jihad, the more I realize how little I know, and how much I have yet to understand. Ugh. This is making me nauseous. Soooo confusing.

Wait, maybe that's it! Jihad is confusing, or perhaps a better word would be complex, more thesis-y. Jihad is a complex concept that cannot be oversimplified by classifying it as purely peaceful or simply holy war. As ambiguous as it seems, jihad is both a peaceful spiritual cleansing and holy war against the infidel, not to mention everything in between. I revisit Esposito's definition, "'striving or struggling' in the way of God." The inner jihad is the personal struggle to overcome the "inner demons," and the outer jihad is the violent struggle to defend or expand Islam and its community. In order to truly understand jihad we have to accept all aspects of it, not just those that fit neatly into a thesis or Western perception of reality.

Wow, I never knew kvetching could inspire an insight. I wonder if I could kvetch my way through twenty three more pages of thoughtful insight. It's worth another dive or two into the jihad cave.


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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Surprise Move By Specter to Give Democrats 60 in Senate

George Wenschhof Bio

In a move similar to the one made by Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) prior to the general election in 2006, Senator Arlen Specter (Pa.) has decided to switch parties and become a Democrat.

Many remember Lieberman as the Democratic vice presidential candidate with Al Gore in the 2000 election. After a unsuccessful run for the Democratic party nomination for president in 2004, Lieberman was defeated in the Democratic primary in his bid for reelection to the Senate in 2006. His defeat in the Democratic primary was fueled by his support of the war in Iraq as liberal Democrats opposed continued U.S. presence in Iraq. Lieberman switched to Independent and won reelection to the Senate. He added insult to the Democratic party by supporting Republican presidential candidate John McCain in the 2008 election.

Democratic Leaders realized they would need Lieberman's vote on many key issues, and in spite of the call by many to sanction Lieberman for his actions, the Democratic party only delivered a slight slap on the wrist. They allowed Lieberman to continue to caucus with the Democrats and maintain his chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Senator Arlen Specter is the longest serving Senator in the state of Pennsylvania. He was first elected as a Republican in 1980. He came under recent fire from his fellow Republicans as he was one of only three Republican Senators who supported President Barack Obama's Stimulus bill. Serious moves were being taken to run a more conservative Republican against him in next year's mid-term elections. Recent polls indicated he was losing to declared Republican challenger; former Representative Pat Toomey.

With this surprise move of changing party affiliation to Democrat, he will be a favorite to win in the general election as many Republicans will vote for him in addition to his newly found Democratic voter friends.

In the meantime, The Republican party angst against Senator Specter has backfired and lead the Democratic party to what appears to be a filibuster proof number of 60 seats in the Senate. When Al Franken is finally seated from Minnesota, he will make 57 elected Democrats in the Senate. Independents Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and Joe Lieberman (Conn.) caucus with the Democrats and make it 59. So, when Specter makes it official he is a Democrat next week, he will be number 60.

While the official announcement by Specter is not until next week, President Obama has already telephoned Senator Specter this morning and welcomed him to the Democratic party.

Politics makes strange bedfellows...


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Democratic News 4-28-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President Barack Obama will begin his day meeting with FBI Director Robert Muellar - he is also expected to address FBI employees. Later, the president will meet with the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Also on the agenda is presenting the National Teacher of the Year award and a White House meeting with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. Tonight, the President and the First Lady will host a reception for the Cabinet Secretaries. has more here.


Swine Flu Update - the World Health organization upgraded the status alert from level three to level four. Level 6 is a full pandemic. You can read more here. Meanwhile, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says there is no need to close our borders to travelers. You can read more here.


Kathleen Sebelius to be confirmed as Health and Human Services Secretary today by the Senate - AP is reporting the lone remaining cabinet position to be filled by the Obama administration. The swine flu crisis has probably aided the approval process as this position will have many responsibilities in this area. Anti-abortion groups had been protesting her appointment but she is expected to receive the needed 60 votes for confirmation today. You can read more here.


Swine Flu and Bank Stress Tests weigh on Financial Market - a major flu pandemic will certainly add to the woes of the global economy. While the U.S. government bank stress tests are showing Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Inc. both may need more capital. has more here.


Obama administration to expand Housing Aid Program - this part of the plan is aimed at helping homeowners with costly second mortgages. It is designed to lower the monthly costs of second mortgages in yet another move to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. has more here.


House set to approve Obama FY 2010 3.4 trillion Budget Today - as I reported on Sunday, Congress will approve the budget by Wednesday, the 100th day of the Obama administration. The Senate is expected to approve tomorrow. The budget includes a 1.4 trillion deficit. Also, Democratic Leaders are expected to use a parliamentary procedure known as budget reconciliation to fast track approval of health care reform, negating the possibility of a republican filibuster in the Senate. has more here.


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Water Bored

Ken Kerr Bio

Last week, Sean Hannity of Fox News offered to be water boarded to show that it is not torture—it's just harmless "enhanced interrogation.' When pressed, he said he'd do it "for charity." Keith Olbermann then called this bluff and offered $1000-a-second for every tick of the clock Hannity could handle enhancement. I wouldn't hold my breath (pun intended) waiting for this event. Hannity will soon sober up and realize what he has offered.

Or, Hannity thinks this will be a hoot. After all, Ollie North claims to have been waterboarded and told Hannity there is nothing to it. It's kind of like a roller coaster—you're not going to really die, it just makes you experience what it might feel like. You get the thrill without the real danger. The heart races, the adrenalin flows and we scream with glee rather than fear. I suspect Hannity and those of his stripe see this as little more than a fraternity prank or an episode of Punk'd—you see, we're not really going to drown you, only we don't tell you that until it's over and we all have a good laugh.

After all, it did not result in "death, organ failure, or serious impairment of bodily function. Quite the opposite, the forced enema Kalid Sheik Mohamed received prior to his waterboarding actually enhanced his boldly function. I wonder if Hannity is signing on for one of those as well.

But Hannity's offer to experience the thrill and excitement of drowning gave me and idea. How about if we get Rush—'It isn't Torture if You Can Survive It"—Limbaugh, Bill—"it's just putting a little water on their face"—O'Reilly, Glenn—"we need to find somebody who is willing to be water boarded by professionals and show if it's torture or not"—Beck, Michael—pouring water over a terrorist's face--Savage and invite them to put their lungs where their mouths are.

I have my checkbook out-and-ready.

If they agree, they can always reconsider. All they have to do is go before the same camera or microphone and admit they were mistake—it is torture, and it is unworthy of the United States of America.

I'll even still send my check.


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Monday, April 27, 2009

Democratic News 4-27-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

This morning, President Barack Obama will speak at the National Academy of Sciences - he is also expected to discuss the swine flu outbreak. The European Union is urging people to not travel to the U.S. and Mexico. The U.S. State Department is expected to issue a travel advisory to Mexico today. has more here.


Swine Flu continues to spread - Yesterday, the U.S. declared a public health emergency which may be upgraded to a travel advisory today. Cases have now been confirmed in France, Canada, New Zealand and Hong Kong. The government has moved to make available 12 million doses of the antiviral drugs which have been stockpiled. has more here.

People are being advised to exercise good common judgement by washing their hands often, staying at home if they are sick and going to see their doctor if they have flu symptoms.


Chrysler and GM make moves to avoid bankruptcy - Yesterday, Chrysler announced the United Auto Workers (UAW) union had made concessions agreeable to them, Fiat and the U.S. government. You can read more here.

Today, GM reported they were cutting 23,000 jobs, ending production of Pontiac, and reducing 40% of their dealer network. They also offered their bondholders to swap 27 billion in debt for stock. has more here.


Minneapolis Star-Tribune Poll shows voters feel Coleman should concede - the never ending U.S. Senate seat may be taking a even bigger toll on the Republican party. The poll showed 645 of the voters felt Republican Norm Coleman should accept the recent court decision that declared Democrat Al Franken the winner by 312 votes. Coleman has appealed that ruling to the state supreme court. The poll also showed 73% of the voters feel Coleman should concede if he loses that appeal. has more here.


British Prime Minister Gordon Brown now supports sending troops to Afghanistan - most likely due to the spike in Islamic militants gaining control of tribal regions in Pakistan. The British prime minister flew to Afghanistan yesterday and met with President Karzai and is in Islamabad, Pakistan today. The U.S. Congress is still debating aid to Pakistan. You can read more here.


Democratic Senators Leahy and Levin want independent inquiry into alleged torture abuse of detainees - Carl Levin (D-Mich) is chair of the senate Armed services Committee and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) is chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. President Obama had recently indicated further investigation of the issue would be determined by the Attorney General.

Some argue against the appointment of a special prosecutor or independent panel saying it would deteriorate into a partisan inquiry and the country has seen enough of these investigations since the days of President Richard Nixon and Watergate. The argument is the people have spoken and a new President is in place so lets move forward.

However, no one should be outside the rule of law in America. Senator Leahy has an excellent quote; "I know some people say, 'Let's turn the page,'" Leahy said. "Frankly, I'd like to read the page before we turn it." has more here.


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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Democratic News 4-26-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President Barack Obama continues to monitor developments as outbreak of swine flu spreads - the world health organization met yesterday to review what is known after over 60 reported deaths in Mexico with over 1000 with the flu. Another 8 cases have been reported in the U.S. with more likely to be identified. It is transmitted by person to person and as a new strain, there is concern for a possible pandemic. President Obama, who recently visited Mexico shows no sign of the flu. has more here.

The White House will hold a press conference at 12:30 PM ET to brief the public - Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Acting Director Dr. Richard Besser of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will give an update. Read more here.

Representative Eric Massa (D-NY) calls on government to close border with Mexico - he is a member of the House Homeland Security Committee. has more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in Beirut, Lebanon - in another surprise visit following her visit to Iraq. This time it was to meet with President Michel Suleiman and show the support of the U.S. prior to elections in six weeks. The opposition coalition vying for power is the Hezbollah backed by Syria and Iran. has more here.


Obama budget on track for approval by Wednesday - House and Senate versions appeared to have been reconciled with approval coming by the day President Obama gives his national address to the nation which marks the 100th day of his administration.

It also appears Democratic leaders have agreed to use the parliamentary procedure known as budget reconciliation to fast track approval of the health care plan proposed by the president. Republicans would not be able to filibuster the bill and a simple majority vote of 51 would be needed for passage in the Senate. has more here.


Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Obama with 69% approval rating - the poll was conducted April 21-24 and shows the president continues to be popular among the voters at the 100 day mark in his administration. Obama received a 2-1 advantage over Congressional Republicans on how he was handling the economy and international affairs.

Areas to watch would be any future White House action in regard to the harsh interrogation techniques used on some detainees during the former George W. Bush administration. Here, poll respondents were split almost 50-50. The growing size of the deficit and aid to automakers were other areas of concern identified in the poll. has more here.


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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Democratic News Chatter 4-25-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

New strain of Swine Flu hits Mexico and U.S. - as of yesterday, over 1000 were infected in Mexico City and 68 had died. There had been 8 confirmed cases in the U.S. with no deaths. The World Health organization and the U.S. Center for infectious disease is monitoring the situation closely. There has been a fear among health professionals of a flu pandemic outbreak. has more here.

Let's hope this is not the start of one. The Obama administration has issued a statement that they are following the situation. This would be one more serious test on the new Obama administration in addition to a severe economic recession and foreign policy issues.

This morning, the World Health Organization has scheduled an emergency meeting to discuss this fast spreading new flu strain. has more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in Iraq - In a previously unannounced visit, Clinton arrived in Baghdad to meet with Iraq leaders and American military officers. In an initial speech, she indicated the U.S. was committed to a stable Iraq, even as we prepare for withdraw. She arrives a day after a series of suicide bombers resulted in deaths of at least 140 with another 240 wounded. You can read more here.


Democrat Scott Murphy wins in NY district 20 - republican Jim Tedisco called Murphy yesterday to concede. Murphy had a 399 vote lead as final absentee and challenged ballots had been counted. Republicans had hoped for a victory here which they had planned to brag on prior to the mid term elections next year. has more here.


Government stress test of largest banks to require them to have more capital on hand - the reports were shared with the largest 19 banks in the U.S. yesterday. The release of the reports to the public is due on May 4. has an initial report here.


Gingrich and Gore disagree on climate and energy legislation - not a surprise as both testified yesterday before the House Energy and Environment subcommittee. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich continued the Republican refrain of questioning global warming and the need for new legislation. While former Vice President Al Gore detailed the importance of curbing greenhouse gas emissions. has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address 4-25-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

This morning, in his weekly address to the nation, President Barack Obama spoke of the need for fiscal discipline by the government. In order to build an effective foundation for the 21st century, government needs to be more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. Click below to hear his speech.

download .mp3 or HD .mp4 (50.2 Mb) also available here read transcript


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Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Guests 4-26-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President Barack Obama's first 100 days in office will likely be examined by the pundits Sunday morning as day 100 is the following Wednesday. It will tough on them to wait until the following Sunday!

As to the last week, talk of a "torture probe" intensified after the release by the CIA of memos which provided more detail surrounding the use of "harsh" Interrogation techniques during the former George W. Bush administration.

It now appears Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice approved the use of waterboarding on detainees as early as 2002 contingent on Justice Department legal review. Information detailing how some prisoners were waterboarded over 100 times in a single month has lead many to wonder how any reasonable person could conclude information obtained under these circumstances could be credible.

This has put President Obama in an awkward position as he has wanted to focus on moving forward and not getting caught up in a lengthy review and investigation of individuals from the Bush administration. However, Attorney General Eric Holder realizes he must follow up on information presented to him.

With thousands of prisoner abuse photos being released as a result of a ACLU lawsuit, expect the cry for further investigation to ratchet up even more. House Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) is in favor of further investigation and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is following the lead of the president.

The increased violence in Iraq as a result of suicide bombers will receive discussion along with the Islamic extremists in Pakistan posing a threat to the government in Pakistan. In the span of one day at the end of the week, 140 were killed and 240 wounded in Iraq as a result of suicide bombers. Over in nuclear armed Pakistan, the Taliban had control of the Buner district, only 60 miles from the capitol city of Islamabad.

On the domestic side, President Obama called for revisions of unreasonable credit card rates and fees to consumers. President Obama also called for Universities across the country to reduce their tuition fees as a College education is becoming unaffordable.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner began the review of the government stress tests with the largest 19 banks in the country at the end of the week so expect some of these reports to have leaked by Sunday morning. They are scheduled to be released to the public at the beginning of next week.

In the NY district 20 special election, Republican Jim Tedisco conceded on Friday. The unofficial lead by winner Democrat Scott Murphy was 399 votes. This effectively put a damper on any early jubilation by Republican leaders who had hope for a victory in a district with a majority of Republican registered voters.

Expect all of the above and more to be discussed this Sunday morning. As always, remember to check your locals listings for time and channel. The scheduled guests are as follows:

NBC "Meet The Press" - Dick Gregory will have Jordan King Abdullah II, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, Doris Goodwin, and Jon Meachum.

ABC "This Week" - George Stephanopoulos will interview Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The roundtable discussion will include Donna Brazile, George Will, David Sanger, Chrystia Freeland, and Matthew Dowd.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Bob Schieffer will interview Senators John McCain (R-Az.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.).

Fox News Sunday - Chris Wallace will interview Lawrence Summers Director White House Economic Council. He will also have as guests, Senators Kit Bond (R-Mo.) and Carl Levin (D-Mich.).

CNN "State of The Union" - John King will interview Valerie Jarrett, Senior White House Adviser. Also appearing will be Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).


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Friday, April 24, 2009

Democratic News Chatter 4-24-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Today, President Barack Obama will discuss rising tuition costs - middle-class families have been hit hard by increases in tuition and this afternoon the president will meet with one of those families.

Next week, on Wednesday April 29, the president will hold his third prime time press conference. It is scheduled for 8:00 Pm ET. It also happens to fall on the 100th day of his presidency so expect a recap of what has transpired in the first 100 days.


Ford Motor Company, the only U.S. auto maker not accepting government aid reports first quarter loss smaller than expected - the first quarter loss was 1.8 billion. They cut their cash consumption by 49% in the quarter to 3.7 billion down from 7.2 billion. has more here.


First quarter profits of U.S. corporations up from 4th quarter numbers of last year - reports are still coming in, but with 25% of the S&P companies reporting so far showed an average annual decline of 36%. This is compared to the 67% decline in fourth quarter profits. positive growth is expected to be reached in the fourth quarter of this year. has more here.


Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to meet with Finance Ministers of Group of Seven nations today - He is expected to outline the U.S. plans to fix the banking system. You can read more here.

Also today, the 19 largest U.S. banks will be told how they performed under the government "stress test" initiated by Geithner. The Washington Post has more here.


Prospects for Republican win in NY district 20 race dismal - much to the dismay of RNC chair Michael Steele who had tried to put the spotlight on the outcome of this race as a positive for the Republican party. As of last night Democrat Scott Murphy had increased his lead over Republican Jim Tedisco to 401 votes. Only 600 absentee ballots remain to be counted. has more here.


On the foreign policy front, Iraq is still a dangerous place - in just the last day, suicide bombings have resulted in over 140 deaths and 240 wounded. The bombings occurred in Baghdad and a nearby province and appeared to target Shiites. The NY Times has more here.


Pakistan Taliban Leader orders withdraw from Buner district - perhaps realizing this presence was just too close to the capitol of Islamabad. Keep an eye on these developments as Pakistan's current government is fragile, at best. They are also a country known to have a nuclear arsenal of approximately 100 warheads. has more here.


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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Democratic News Chatter 4-23-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Today, President Barack Obama will meet with executives in the credit card industry - the president is seeking more protections for Americans who use credit cards. Most of the discussion will focus on deceptive higher fees and interest rates passed on to credit card users. Interestingly, the average family credit card debt was $10,679 at the end of 2008. Both the House and the Senate have "credit card bill of rights" bills being considered which focus on credit card use. has more here.

Tonight, President Obama and Michelle will host a White House dinner for Congressional members and their spouses.


More Americans say country is headed in the right direction - in more good news for the Obama administration, for the first time since January 2004 more Americans say the country is moving in the right direction than say it is not. An AP/Gfk poll shows 48% of Americans feel the country is moving in the right direction. You can read more here.


Democratic Leaders considering the use of budget reconciliation as a way to fast track approval of health care legislation - this legislative procedure has been used by Republicans as well in the past as they sought approval of their budget blueprint. If used, it would bypass any possible Republican filibuster and the need for 60 votes in the Senate. Instead, only a 51 vote majority would be needed in the Senate which would easily be obtained by Democrats. has more here.


Will Attorney General Eric Holder begin Torture Probe? - as more and more information has come forward, it appears certain an investigation will take place concerning actions taken by individuals in the former George W. Bush administration in regard to the approval of harsh interrogation techniques. Now, it has been released that both Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney approved the use of waterboarding as early as 2002 contingent on Justice Department approval. The attorney general, a week later, indicated the proposed interrogation techniques were legal. has more here.


On the foreign policy front, the rise of Islamic militants and the Taliban in Pakistan is extremely worrisome - Yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified to the House Foreign Affairs committee on the impending danger in Pakistan. As she was providing her testimony, the Taliban seized control of the Buner district which is only 60-70 miles from the capitol of Islamabad. Pakistan is a nuclear armed nation whose government has been in a state of flux since the removal of President Musharraf. The NY Times has more here. Stay tuned as this is a major development in the region.


Democrat Scott Murphy Increases lead to 365 votes in NY district 20 special election- this comes as some previously challenged ballots are being added to the totals by the NY board of elections. It appears it it will very difficult for Republican Jim Tedisco to make up the difference from the remaining challenged ballots. So much for the Republicans trying to make a big deal out of this election in a district where Republicans have the majority of registered voters. has more here.


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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Democratic News Chatter 4-22-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Today, President Barack Obama will be in Newton, Iowa - Here. on Earth Day, Obama will talk about his Energy Plan. Newton is a small town which was hit hard with job losses by the closure of a Maytag plant a year ago. Trinity Structures Wind energy plant is now opening and plans to hire over 100 workers. The plant builds the structures for wind turbines. has more here.


CFO of Freddie Mac dies from apparent suicide - David Kellerman was found dead in his home this morning. Freddie Mac is a government owned company that owns and guarantees home mortgages. They and Fannie Mae have both suffered huge losses due to mortgage defaults. Kellerman was named chief financial officer after the government took over the company in September of 2008. You can read more here.


Government Stress-Test Reports on Banks due out Friday - reportedly the first round of the stress tests conducted by the government on the financial health of many Banks will be shared with them at the end of this week. The reports will be made public next week. The wall Street Journal has more here.


Christopher Hill confirmed by Senate to be U.S. Ambassador to Iraq - Republicans had argues the career diplomat did not have direct experience in Iraq and did not speak Arabic. Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) who is the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee supported Hill saying his experience made him the right person for the job. the vote was 73-23 with all of the opposing votes being Republicans. has more here.


Kathleen Sebelius to receive confirmation as Health and Human Services secretary within the next week - finally, the Obama Cabinet will be complete. The Kansas Governor received a 15-8 vote from the senate Finance Committee yesterday with all eight who opposed her nomination being Republicans. Tom Daschle was originally nominated for the position by the President but withdrew due to tax issues. has more here.


Prosecution possible for those who ok'd harsh interrogation techniques - President Obama left open the possibility of prosecution when he recently replied to the question this would mostly be up to the Attorney General to decide. has more here.

Recently released memos point out the huge number of times waterboarding was used on various individuals, some over 100 times, leading even more to question the validity of any confession obtained under these circumstances. Today, the NY Times has an article that describes how those involved in approving the harsh methods knew little about the techniques they were approving. You can read this article here.


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Frederick Co. MD "Up and Coming" Young Democrats

Spencer Knoll Bio

President Obama's friendly interactions with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during the Summit of the Americas are a welcome change from the policies of the George W. Bush administration. But, the criticism that has arisen from those interactions are not wholly without merit. It is important that the President consider his position in relation to that of Venezuela's President and act accordingly.

Chavez has spent several years in the global public's eye lambasting not just President Obama's predecessor but America as a nation. It would be foolish, then, to assume that he just happens to like Barack Obama and will now fall in line. No, he expects something from America.

Granted, I do believe that what he wants more than anything is respect, and we should be more than willing to show him that. We should be willing to have normal relations and mutual respect with any country willing to extend to us that same courtesy. But, we cannot allow leaders like Hugo Chavez to dictate the terms of a relationship with America. While that may not actually happen, appearances matter. Photos of a smiling President Obama shaking hands with President Chavez and patting him on the back give the wrong impression to the rest of the world.

CNN's senior political analyst David Gergen said it best when he commented that the President may want to "shake hands, [but] hold the smiles." We should treat Venezuela's President with respect and diplomatic courtesy, but given his track record, it is not time to elevate him to our level on the global stage.


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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

City of Frederick, MD Democratic Buzz

George Wenschhof Bio

Democratic Mayoral candidates:

We conducted our first of a series of online "Meet The Candidate" forums for Jason Judd and Jennifer Dougherty and were pleased that we were able to post their live answers to your questions without a glitch. I was concerned as to how my recently acquired computer skills would hold up!

You can read the questions and the responses by Jason Judd here. Jennifer Dougherty's responses can be read here. We will be holding these the beginning of each month throughout the primary campaign. If you miss the live date, we will post links in the right hand margin of our Home Page so you can easily access and read. They are a great way for you to get to know the candidate so make sure you post your questions when we ask for them and tune in for the candidate's live responses. I will also be interviewing the candidates at a future date and will keep you posted on when.

Jason Judd continues to attend house parties as he meets city residents and is planning a Chili primary fundraiser at his family's home in Yellow Springs. The date is Sunday May 3 and the cost is $25 per person and $40 per couple or family. All types of chili will be served, including vegetarian. To RSVP email or call (301) 695-5766.

Jennifer Dougherty continues to gear up her city campaign after taking a short respite from her recent campaign for the 6th district congressional seat. It appears former city Public Information Officer Nancy Poss will be helping her in her campaign. Dougherty's press releases today sound like themes from a congressional race as she talks about the need for the city to "Get Off the Grid" with ideas on how the make the city use of energy more efficient. You can read her ideas on this here. She also talks about her idea of a "Civilian Conservation Corps 2.0" to help save the watershed. You can read her proposal here.

Democratic Aldermen candidates:

Kelly Russell who was the first to file several months ago, finally held a formal announcement yesterday. We published her announcement column yesterday and it can be read here.

Michael O'Connor and Andrew Kotkin are the other Democratic aldermen candidates who have filed to date.

All of links to the websites for the Democratic candidates are conveniently located in the right hand margin of our Home Page. I encourage you to check them out.

Incumbent aldermen David Koontz and Donna Kuzemchak are expected to run for reelection and this would bring the number to five.

Frederick County Young Democrat President Burke Miller informed me he was accepted into Law School and will not be running for alderman. Best wished for Burke. He has done a great job reestablishing the Young Democrats in the area.

Former City of Frederick Director of Planning and later Director of Community Development James Schermschal informed me he had given it some thought but he is busy aiding his parents who are in assisted care. He informed me his father just turned 89! Happy Birthday!

Frederick News Post columnist Katherine Heerbrandt reported in her column yesterday that Karen Lewis Young will be filing for aldermen soon. Karen is married to Ron Young and was a former President of the Board of Directors of the Weinberg Center. If she and Jennifer Dougherty were elected it would promise to be a better show than the Bill Hall - Jennifer Dougherty showdowns during Jennifer's term as mayor. When Karen was President of the Weinberg Board, she and Jennifer were constantly battling over the future direction of the Weinberg Center.

Rumors persist that former two-term alderman Bill Hall will also enter the race after recently changing his registration back to Democrat. He would be an automatic favorite as he is well liked in the community.

Carol Krimm, a member of the local Democratic Central Committee continues to be another possible candidate for alderman. She attended the city workshop last Wednesday evening and spoke of how the city should not have neglected to file the required paperwork with Frederick County Government to receive their reimbursement from the tax equity program.

When I ran for alderman in 1997, I spoke of how the county tax equity program no longer was equitable for the City of Frederick and the double taxation rate for city residents was unfair. The formula for the City of Frederick needed to change back in 1997 and still needs to today.

As other names surface and candidates announce, we will keep you posted.


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