
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Democratic Chatter 3-4-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President Barack Obama expresses need for engagement with Russia - this statement came yesterday during a photo-op with British prime minister Gordon Brown. At issue was a planned missile shield deployment in Poland and other countries by the George W. Bush administration that has been fiercely opposed by Russia. The concern is over future nuclear missile development by Iran. has more here.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will address a joint session of Congress this morning.

Tonight, the President and First Lady will host a Dinner at the White House for chairs of congressional committees.


Vice president Joe Biden will head to Brussels, Belgium next week to meet with NATO officials - the vice president will be discussing Afghanistan and Pakistan with allies. This is part of the strategic review ordered by President Obama. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be there this week in preparation for the NATO conference planned in April. has more here.


WSJ/NBC Poll shows Americans believe Democrats better to get U.S. out of the economic mess we find ourselves in - Answering who was best suited to lead the country out of the recession, participants in the poll responded: Democrats - 48%, Republicans - 20%, Neither - 16%, Both - 8%. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


As auto sales drop steeply, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm asks President Obama for help for the industry - The decline is sales from February 2008 were across the board as reported losses for the last year were : GM - 53%, Ford - 48%, and Chrysler - 44%. The NY Times has more here.

Michigan Governor Granholm met with the Obama administration auto industry task force and requested help for the industry. GM and Chrysler have requested an additional 21.6 billion in government loans and the auto suppliers have requested 25.5 billion. You can read more here.


Mike Quigley leads in Democratic primary in race to replace Rahm Emanuel vacant Illinois House seat - the special election Democratic primary had 12 candidates. Cook County commission Mike Quigley was leading with 22% of the vote and around a 2300 vote lead over his nearest competitor. This with 80% of the precincts reporting. It is estimated 50,000 votes were cast. The Democratic party nominee is heavily favored in this Democratic district to beat Republican Rosanna Pulido on April 7. has more here.


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