
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Democratic Chatter 3-3-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

This morning, President Barack Obama will speak at the Departments of Transportation and Interior - he will be discussing his Stimulus bill and how it affects them. He will be accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden. Later, the President will meet with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. has more here.


Yesterday, the Dow Jones lost 300 to close below 7000 - at 6,763.29, this is the lowest close since 1997 and has investors wondering what is the bottom? The news that the government was going to be in for another 30 billion for AIG along with Warren Buffet's dire comments on the prospects for this year's economy helped to spur the selling yesterday. has more here.


Steele - Limbaugh battle as Republican party infighting grows - the conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh and the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) Michael Steele are attacking each other as the Republican party continues it's meltdown. After losing the House, the Senate and the Presidency, Republicans are struggling to find a message and a leader. has more here.


CIA acknowledges it destroyed close to 100 interrogation tapes, Obama releases Bush administration Justice Department memos on warrantless search and seizure - Wow! a double whammy for the George W. Bush administration that gives support for Democratic leaders who are calling for investigations. Seems close to 100 tapes of terrorists being interrogated were destroyed. You can read more here.

In addition, it was revealed today a total of nine memos were released by the Justice Department with one dated back in 2001 in which the Bush administration claimed the military could search and seizure without warrants. You can read more here.


Oops! another Obama nominee with back tax issues - this time it is Ron Kirk, the nominee for U.S. Trade Representative. The Senate finance committee discovered the $10,000 in owed backed taxes during the confirmation process. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) chair of the committee still called Kirk the right man for the job. has more here.


Howard Dean returns to Democracy for America (DFA) - he sent a email to supporters last night informing them he was back with the organization he founded. After his failed bid for the Democratic party nomination for president in 2004, he founded DFA to promote Democratic candidates across the country. He was then elected chair of the Democratic National Committee and his brother took over at DFA. Today, with one million members, DFA provides grassroots training, training for candidates, and fundraising for candidates.


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