
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Democratic Chatter 3-14-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Today, in his weekly address to the nation, President Barack Obama discusses food safety in the U.S. and announces several appointments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Dr. Margaret Hamburg will be Commissioner and Dr. Joshua Sharfstein will be deputy Commissioner for the FDA. You can watch his address by clicking on the video below. has the full text of his speech here.

download .mp3 or .mp4 also available here read transcript

Lawrence Summers is the newest face from the Obama administration to discuss economic recovery plans - He is the chair of the national economic council and spoke yesterday to the Brookings Institute, a Washington D.C. think tank. He used phrases similar to what President Roosevelt used when he said "the excess of greed had lead to an excess of fear". FDR has said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". Tomorrow morning Mr. Summers will appear on "This Week" and "Face The Nation". If he fares well, look to see Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner moved out the the PR end of things. has more here.
Senate Commerce committee to hold confirmation hearing on Gary Locke next Wednesday - Locke is the third appointee of president Obama for the position and is expected to be easily confirmed as Commerce Secretary. has more here.
Elizabeth King expected to be named by President Obama as head of legislative affairs for the Pentagon - she is the senior policy adviser to Senator Jack Reed (D-R.I.). Senator Reed at one point was lloked upon as a possible running mate for Barack Obama. has more here.
On the foreign policy front, former U.S. foreign policy officials believe U.S. should have dialogue with Hamas - Former national security advisers Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brezinski are among the group of nine former U.S. officials who believe discussions are needed with Hamas to encourage them to disarm and work within the Palestinian authority. They believe this is critical to future peace in the Middle East region. Under the George W. Bush administration, Hamas had been labeled a terrorist organization and communication had ceased. The Boston Globe has more here.
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