
Monday, March 30, 2009

Ask Democratic Candidate Jennifer Dougherty a Question

George Wenschhof Bio

Jennifer Dougherty and Jason Judd are the two Democratic candidates who have announced they are running for Mayor of the City of Frederick, Maryland. I published last week we would be asking our local viewers for questions to ask the Democratic candidates for Mayor. This week it is Jennifer Dougherty who will answer your submitted questions live online Thursday night from 7:00 - 8:00 PM ET.

We plan to do a series of online "Meet the Candidate" forums so the City of Frederick voters will have an opportunity to interact with the Democratic candidates. The deadline for candidates to file is July 7, so we will add any additional candidate(s) as they file for office. I also plan to interview online the candidates live at a future date and will keep you informed.

To ask Jennifer Dougherty a question, just click on "comment" at the end of this post and follow the instructions. If you encounter any problems, click on "Need help posting a comment?" at the top of our Home Page.

You are encouraged to leave your name and indicate if you are a City of Frederick resident. The deadline to post your question is 8:00 PM ET Wednesday of this week. We will rank them and on Thursday night ask Ms. Dougherty live online your questions in the order we have ranked them as time permits.

Thank you and if we receive a positive response from our local viewers, we will include the Democratic Aldermen candidates in future "Meet the Candidate" online forums.

4-1-2009 Update - 8:02 PM ET - questions are now closed. Ms. Dougherty will answer for one hour as many of your submitted questions in the order provided by us tomorrow beginning at 7:00 PM ET. Thank you for submitting questions and check back tomorrow to read her answers!


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  1. do you feel Mayor Holtzinger is utilizing the NACs properly? Didn't you start them?

  2. with the exception of the failed use of NACS to bolster her fan base, they have been a total waste of time, effort and energy,,,a chance for some mal-contents running their mouths,,,where was the NAC when you Jennifer when you put the speed and circle on Fairview Ave. Jennifer used them only to benefit her own personal goals, splain that Jennifer

  3. Jennifer, what are you going to do to bring down the high budget that Jeff has brought us? What cuts will you make?

  4. Jennifer, I think we all know a bit about your successes as Mayor, and your personal 'toughness' against odds like a water shortage - tell us about the lighter side of yourself, what do you like to do outside business and politics? I think that family has been important to you, and you've travelled to Ireland I believe - tell us about those experiences...

  5. Do you think that expertise, experience, and/or personal relationships are most important in working with citizens and government interests?

  6. Ms. Dougherty - planning under your watch set the tone for the gross annexations we're seeing progress through the City and expansion northward - while realizing other options were offered and the Aldermen determine the course, my question is whether you still support that growth plan and would you be more proactive on future planning proposals? Is growing across the river still a positive in oyur mind? Is Monocacy Blvd still a good deal for residents? What about the 'big red road'?

  7. Is the early buy out city employee pension plan that was passed by Mayor Holtzinger and the Board a permanent change? If so, if elected, do you intend to make changes here?

  8. Joe Cohen, business man downtownMarch 31, 2009 at 3:40 PM

    Being as we are in a depression, i think the local politicians should make it easier to shop in Frederick not harder , you know the American main st prize we won ahem, well its about time we lived up to that by making parking easier here and my question to you jennnifer is if you get back in power would you resind the prices people pay on the meters and the two hour waiting time ,as many of my customers have said they will never come back to frederick again, to make this simple for you and all would be mayors and aldermen, if you park two hours and then get a ticket in this recssion you would also be angry dont you think

  9. what would you do to turn around the deterioration of the golden mile area?

  10. the city does not seem to have a public information officer since Holtzinger became mayor and he does not hold regular press conferences as you did. Would you hire a public information officer for the city if you won and why?

  11. What is your "Get off the Grid" program? And how can it help our city?

  12. What strengths do you have versus your current opponent, Jason Judd? How can these strengths really differ you from Jason Judd?

  13. after losing so many elections why do you continue to run for office?

  14. Is there anything the aldermen can do to get rid of department heads tobin and reed who are receiving double pay and continue to be employed by the mayor in a acting capacity? If you became mayor would you keep these two employes?

  15. what do you see as the number one issue facing the city and what would you do about it?

  16. Ms. Dougherty, I have a question about campaign financing. I contributed last year to your for your congress campaign against Roscoe Bartlet but haven't made up my mind who I might vote for in the city's mayor race - are you planning to use the money I donated to your congressional race to fund the cost of running for mayor? If you are, are you planning on notifying those who gave you contributions for your congressional campaign?

  17. Jennifer. What do you think is the best way to pay for public safety needs?
