
Monday, February 16, 2009

Democratic Chatter 2-16-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President Barack Obama to sign 787 billion Stimulus bill tomorrow in Denver, Colorado - in spite of the bipartisan rhetoric from the Obama administration, this is shaping up to be a test to see what political party was right. This, as opposed to our elected representatives coming today to work at bringing the country out of a recession. The Republicans have staked their success in the 2010 mid-term elections by opposing the bill, saying it will be obvious by then the plan did not work. Pretty harsh strategy for winning elections - hoping that the country stays in a recession, instead of working together to help Americans who are suffering. The Washington Post has more here.


President Obama to announce task force to oversee auto industry - As a condition to the previous government loans received under the George W. Bush administration, Chrysler and GM are required to submit restructuring plans to the Treasury tomorrow. The president had been expected to name a Car Czar but instead opted for a task force. Members will be from several government agencies including Treasury, Transportation, Commerce, EPA, Labor along with white House officials. has more here.


Some Democrats continue to push for investigation into wrongdoings of the George W. Bush administration - much to the delight of the liberal Netroots and not so for the Obama administration who have signaled that is is time to move forward. At issues is the firing of U.S. attorneys, the use of warrantless wiretapping and the use of torture during interrogations. Another subpoena has been issued for Carl rove to testify to the house and Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), chair of the senate Judiciary committee continues to call for investigations. during confirmation hearings for Attorney General Eric Holder and CIA Director Leon Panetta, they both indicated no desire to investigate and prosecute these issues. has more here.


As expected, Illinois Senator Roland Burris is facing scrutiny after revelations former Governor Rod Blagojevich's brother solicited campaigns funds from him - ouch is the polite words most Democrats are using at the moment as some elected officials are saying Burris may have committed perjury when he testified to the Illinois impeachment panel. Seems this story continues.... The NY Times has more here.


On the foreign policy front - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Tokyo, Japan. She will also be visiting China, South Korea and Indonesia on her tour of Asia. Special envoy Richard Holbrooke is in India speaking with leaders. He previously had stops in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The president meanwhile is deliberating over sending more troops to Afghanistan. Up to 25,000 additional troops have been considered for deployment to the country. However, Obama is reviewing the mission and goals of such action. He should do so as Russia learned a painful lesson in Afghanistan. has more here.

In Pakistan, the government and Islamic militants agreed to impose Islamic law (sharia) over northwestern Pakistan, also known as Malakand. Pakistan President Asif Zardari warned that the Taliban was trying to take over the country. has more here.


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