
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Democratic Chatter 1-6-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President-elect Barack Obama to meet with his economic team today - it is now two weeks until Inauguration Day and today he will be discussing the budget, the economy and ways to reduce the spiraling budget deficit facing the national budget. has more here.


New Congress to be sworn in today - the perfunctory action has added drama this year as Roland Burris will show up to be sworn in as the new Senator from Illinois and Al Franken may show up as the new Senator from Minnesota. Senate Majority Leader has said neither one will be seated. For Burris, it is due to the cloud surrounding Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich who appointed him to fill the vacant Obama Senate seat. For Franken, it is due to the legal challenges to be filed by his opponent Norm Coleman. Franken was declared the winner by 225 votes yesterday by the state canvassing board after the recount of 2.9 million votes. Coleman has seven days to file a legal challenge before the vote can be certified.


Obama announces Panetta for CIA and Blair for National Intelligence - Retired Admiral Dennis Blair was expected to be named as Director of National Intelligence. The surprise pick, which is already drawing fire from the Hill, was Leon Panetta as CIA Director. Panetta was former chief of staff for the Clinton administration and has little intelligence field background. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.) who will chair the Senate select Committee on intelligence said she was not consulted by the Obama administration and felt the position should be filled with someone with experience in the field. The Washington Post has more here.


Xavier Becerra rumored to be a contender for Commerce Secretary - the eight term Democratic Representative from California had earlier been offered the position of U.S. Trade representative and he turned it down. With the withdrawal of Governor Richardson, Hispanic leaders have indicated they would like to see another Latino nominated for the position. You can read more here.


NY Governor David Paterson sends questionnaire to contenders for Cinton's soon to be vacant Senate seat - Reportedly, the questionnaire was sent to Caroline Kennedy, Representatives Steve Israel, Carolyn Maloney, Kristen Gillibrand, and Jerrold Nadler. Also Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi. The NY Times has more here.


Obama announces Justice Department picks - Dawn Johnson to head office of legal counsel, David Ogden for deputy attorney general, Elena Hagan for solicitor general, and Tom Perrelli as associate attorney general. They will be replacing those who provided the justification for the Bush administration use of harsh interrogation techniques, detention of terrorist suspects and more. has a good read here.


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