
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Democratic Chatter 1-4-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President-elect Barack Obama heads to Washington D.C. today - he will join his wife and daughters who arrived in D.c. yesterday. It is now 16 days until Inauguration Day.


Israel begins military ground campaign in Gaza - after eight days of air strikes, Israel has invaded Gaza. has more here. This was a highly expected move by Israel as they want to disrupt the military presence of Hamas. This is one more serious international issue to confront the incoming Obama administration and his national security team. Over 400 have died and another 2500 have been injured since Israel began their air strikes.


Will Roland Burris, Illinois Governor Blagojevich's appointment to fill the vacant Obama Senate seat show up Tuesday when Congress convenes on Tuesday? - we will find out shortly. Mr Burris, former Illinois State Attorney did schedule a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for Wednesday. Also at that meeting will be Illinois senator and Assistant Majority Leader dick Durbin (D-Ill.) The Chicago Tribune has more here.


Terry McAuliffe announces run for Governor of Virginia - He was referred to by many as "McAwful" when he served as chair of the Democratic National Committee. He recently served as a national chair of Senator Clinton's Presidential campaign. His national contacts are sure to help him in fund raising but how he comes across to the voters is yet to be determined. has more on his announcement here.


Al Franken's lead increases in Minnesota - the contested race for the Minnesota Senate seat continued with Democrat Al Franken increasing his lead to 225 over Republican incumbent Norm Coleman. This after 900 absentee ballots were counted. The Coleman campaign has asked the state Supreme court to add additional absentee ballots and that ruling is expected soon. However, it is not possible for the candidate to be certified prior to when Congress convenes on Tuesday. In addition, the losing candidate has seven days after the state canvassing board has indicated the winner to file suit in court. Minnesota Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty has indicated he will not have the state certify the winner until all legal challenges are over. has more here.


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1 comment:

  1. The Eastern born and raised former college liberal Democrat-turned conservative Republican-turned moderate Republican should be gracious enough to concede the election to MN born and raised Franken. Coleman claimed victory and asked that Franken concede back in Novemember, irregardless of the fact that state law would require an automatice recount due to the closeness of the race.

    Maybe he can retire to his home in California and attempt public office out there. They tend to like the show biz types out there.

    Woodbury, MN
