
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Democratic Chatter 1-25-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

President Barack Obama has 68% approval - In the first Gallup poll conducted since he became President. Only 12% disapproved of his performance so far. The poll was conducted January 21-23, 2009. has more here.


NY Senator Charles Schumer backed Gillibrand - While better known contenders Caroline Kennedy and Andrew Cuomo had star power support, Krsiten Gillibrand had the support of Senator Schumer to be the replacement for the vacant Hillary Clinton Senate seat. However, Senator Gillibrand who was selected by Governor David Paterson, still has lots to prove to New Yorkers. Her 100% approval rating by the NRA hardly endears her to NY Democrats. Stay tuned to this as it is likely she will receive stiff Democratic opposition in the 2010 Democratic primary. has more here.


President Obama continues bipartisan approach - He is scheduled to meet with Republican Congressmen for lunch on Tuesday. Sure to be discussed is his American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. has more here.


China's impact on U.S. economy comes under scrutiny - Timothy Geithner who is awaiting confirmation as Treasury Secretary, recently warned of currency manipulation by China. Of course, not mentioned was the huge amount of U.S. debt that China currently has an interest in. In this economic climate, the relationship between these two countries is critical. Keep an eye on this. has more here.


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