
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 12-21-2008

George Wenschhof Bio

Thirty days until Inauguration Day and just four days until Christmas when the Sunday morning talk shows address the political issues today. The final agreement of a 13.4 Billion bailout for the "big three" automakers will certainly be part of the discussion. The agreement announced by the White House Friday also includes another 4 Billion kicker, if needed and certain conditions are met.

Also, sure to receive some mention, is the continuing saga surrounding Illinois Governor Rod Blogojevich. The Governor speaking briefly to reporters on Friday said he will not resign and that he was innocent. It certainly appears his staying in office will be detrimental to Democrats. The vacant Illinois Senate seat seems headed for a special election which will delay when the next senator will be able to serve in the Senate, leaving the Democrats one seat short.

President-elect Barack Obama has now completed his picks for his Cabinet so expect conversation on his selections. A little trivia, this is the earliest a President-elect has announced all of his Cabinet selections since 1968 - The President? - Richard Nixon. Let's hope that will be the only thing the incoming Obama administration has in common with the Nixon administration.

The incoming and outgoing Vice-Presidents will be interviewed today and it will be interesting to see if Joe Biden and Dick Cheney are asked about the role of the V.P.

Here is the Sunday Morning lineup with their guests - check your local listings for time and channel:

NBC "Meet The Press" - This is week two for new moderator Dick Gregory. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is his guest. The Rountable discussion will include Eric Burnett, Carol Marin, Andrea Mitchell, and Michele Norris.

ABC "This Week" - George Stepanopoulos interviews Vice-President elect Joe Biden. The Roundtable discussion will include Donna Brazile, George Will, Sam Donalson, and Cokie Roberts.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Bob Schieffer will interview Kerry Kennedy, the seventh child of Robert F. Kennedy. Also New York Representatives Tom Reynolds, Gary Ackerman, and Peter King. Do you think they will discuss Caroline Kennedy and her vying for the soon to be vacant New York Senate seat?

Fox News Sunday - As one might expect, Chris Wallace interviews outgoing Vice-President Dick Cheney.

CNN "Late Edition" - Wolf Blitzer has Representatives Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Eric Cantor (R-Va.). Also former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and former Clinton advisor Laura Tyson. Political strategists David Gergen, James Carville, and Ed Rollins will also appear.


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