
Friday, December 5, 2008

Democratic Chatter 12-5-2008

George Wenschhof Bio

Today, Automakers to testify in front of House Financial Services Committee - Representative Barney Frank(D-Mass.) chairs this committee and is sure to be tough on them. Voters are already confused with the 700 Billion bailout bill already passed for financial institutions and now this request from GM, Ford and Chrysler. It looks as though some bill will be passed providing financial assistance. The question is how do you throw 700 Billion at white collar institutions with little or no questions asked on Wall Street but not help blue collar industries. The NY Times has a good read


Unemployment jumps to 6.7% - Labor department reports more than a half million jobs lost last month. Federal reserve Chair Ben Bernanke is expected to lower interest rates even more as the signs of a deepening recession are apparent. The Wall Street Journal has more


President-elect Obama still has positions to announce - Some of the more prominent are Labor Secretary, where Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is considered a frontrunner, Energy secretary where Michigan Governor Janet Granholm is being mentioned, CIA, where former Indiana Congressman Tim Roemer is in serious consideration, Director of National Intelligence, where retired Admiral Dennis Blair is being mentioned. Also, the Chief technology Officer where two of the people who helped develop and maintain the Obama campaign effort, Vinton Cerf, and Julius Genachowski would appear to have an inside track. has more


Obama campaign raised 3/4 Billion - an unbelievable number and as of the November 24 Financial Report still had 30 million cash on hand. The decision to forgo the 84 million in public financing obviously paid off. The question becomes is the idea of publicly financed campaigns gone for good? has more


Minnesota is the last undecided Senate race - the state required recount continues with an extension granted to December 16 to find an estimated 160 lost ballots. The 16th is also the date the state elections board meets to rule on the thousands of ballots challenged by both the Coleman and Franken campaigns. has more


Still 4 House Seats undecided - we reported yesterday about the close Congressional race in California being won By Republican McClintock after a recount but we did not report on the remaining 4 seats to be decided. Two in Louisiana will be decided on Saturday when they finally hold their election, delayed due to Hurricane Gustav. The 4th District is an open seat with democrat Paul Carmouche facing republican John Fleming. The 2nd District is 9 term Democrat William Jefferson (yes, the same man battling charges about money found in a freezer) running against Republican Joseph Cao.

The other two are elections still in dispute. In Ohio, it is the open seat 15th District race where Republican Steve Stivers leads Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy by 149 votes. In Virginia, it is the 5th District where democrat Tom Perrello is leading incumbent Republican Virgil Goode by 745 votes. has more


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