
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Democratic Chatter 12-4-2008

George Wenschhof

Big Three Auto-makers on hot seat - Today, they meet with the Senate Banking Committee and tomorrow the House Financial Services Committee as they seek approval for 34 Billion. Although much debate will occur in the media, look to see a deal made here. The government can not bailout financial services with essentially no questions asked and then say no to GM, Ford and Chrysler - too many lost jobs at stake.


Poll says voters like President-elect Barack Obama 's Cabinet picks - the poll conducted by CNN/opinion Research corporation from 12-1 to 12-2 showed 75% felt Obama was choosing the right people for his Cabinet. has more


Chris Matthews - is he in or out for 2010 Senate run? - it's been a topic in the rumor mill. His current contract with NBC for his show "hardball" on MSNBC expires in June and some say the rumor is to help in contract negotiations. The rumor has him and his wife moving to Pennsylvania and him running against incumbent Republican Senator Arlen Specter. has more


A close House race finally race decided in California - Republican Tom McClintock beat Democratic challenger Charlie Brown by less than 1/2 of one per cent after the recount of the vote. This keeps the Democratic gains in the House at 21 seats in this election. Democrats now hold 257 seats to the Republicans 178 in the House. has more


Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice works to calm India-Pakistan anxieties - the recent Mumbai terrorist acts have pointed to have ties to Pakistan. Ms. rice traveled to India and Pakistan to help in this difficult time. Pakistani leaders have pledged to assist in bringing those responsible to justice. The NY Times has more
here. Stay tuned for President-elect Obama will be faced with these issues very soon.


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