
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Democratic Chatter 12-3-2008

George Wenschhof

President-elect Barack Obama to name New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Commerce Secretary today - Richardson endorsed Obama over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary and then lost out to her for the Secretary of State position. He will be announced today at the Chicago Hilton at 11:40 AM ET. Initial rumors were he would be announced last Monday when the Security and Foreign Policy Cabinet positions were announced. Governor Richardson was due his own day and got it. The NY Times; The Caucus Blog has more here.


GM, Ford and Chrysler up bailout request to 34 Billion - they submitted their restructure plans to Congress yesterday as was requested with each company requesting funds, the total of all three being 34 Billion. Meetings will be held tomorrow in the House Financial Services committee. This time, the three CEOs are driving to Washington D.C. instead of using their corporate jets. has more here.


Jeb Bush may run for Florida Senate - Just when I was beginning to think Jesse Jackson's statement from a few years back "stay out of the Bush's" was going to come true. Seems former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is considering running for the Senate seat currently held by Republican Mel Martinez. Martinez recently announced he will not run for reelection in 2010. has more here.


Governors on board with infrastructure spending to be included in the Economic Stimulus Bill - Yesterday, President-elect Barack Obama met with Governors in Philadelphia. They offered support for 136 Billion for infrastructure spending for bridges, roads, rail and mass transit. This would be included in what is estimated to be a 500 Billion to 1 Trillion Stimulus Bill to be introduced shortly after Obama is sworn in as President. has more here.


Was Senator Hillary Clinton a wise choice for Secretary of State? - MSNBC Chris Matthews and his show "Hardball" had some fun with this question this past Monday. He had Christopher Hitchens, not exactly a Clinton supporter, square off with Salon's Joan Walsh. While Hitchens made some very interesting points, Ms. Walsh held her own as she supported the selection of Senator Clinton for Secretary of State. has more from Joan Walsh as well as a video of the "Hardball" show here.


Is there a role for Bill Clinton in the Obama administration? - recently, when talking about his wife's appointment to Secretary of State, he mused he was not looking for a position but is not opposed to one either. has more here.


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