
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Democratic Chatter 12-13-2008

George Wenschhof Bio

President-elect Barack Obama announces Shaun Taylor as his pick for HUD - today, in his weekly radio address, Obama announced he had chosen Shaun Taylor for the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Taylor is the NY City Housing Commissioner. has the video of the announcement here.


Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had submitted names for Senate replacement to office of Governor Rod Blagojevich - Names were submitted which were acceptable and included Valerie Jarrett, Tammy Duckworth, Dan Hynes, and Jan Schlowsky. The Chicago Tribune has more here. Also, yesterday the Governor's chief of staff John Harris, who was also arrested in the "pay to play" politics schemes, submitted his letter pf resignation.


Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) provides list of donors - continuing the transparency of the incoming administration they have released a list of names of those who have contributed to date. has more here.


Maryland Electors to cast votes for Obama December 15 - the formal process of the election of Barack Obama begins in Maryland on Monday at 10:00 AM ET in the miller Senate Office Building. In Maryland all 10 electoral votes go to the winner of the November 4 election which was won handily by Barack Obama.. The 10 electors who represent the 8 Congressional districts and the two U.S. Senate seats will verbally cast their votes. The ballots are then certified, sealed and delivered to the President of the Senate by December 24. January 8 is the date of the joint meeting of congress to count the ballots.


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