
Friday, November 28, 2008

Democratic Chatter 11-28-2008

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, in a preview to his weekly radio address, President-elect Barack Obama urged Americans to acknowledge the blessings we all share - has more you can read more and you can also watch a video of his speech here.


155 estimated dead and 327 injured in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India - has an update here. Keep an eye on this situation as the relations between India and Pakistan are very fragile with the new government in Pakistan still getting its legs. Although early reports are some of the terrorists spoke a Pakistani language, it is highly unlikely the Pakistan government would be behind such an attack. Stay tuned.


Yesterday, President George W. Bush calls India Prime Minister - he expressed his condolences to Mahoman Singh over the unfolding tragedy in Mumbai. USA Today has more here.


Black Friday begins - never having been much of a shopper, I have never personally experienced what is known as the busiest day in retail sales across the country. says their polling shows a drop of 29% in spending by consumers. has more about this day here.


Vice-President elect Joe Biden continues advisory role - some pundits have said Biden has dropped out of the spotlight, yet he was present for the unveiling of the economic team, continues to have weekly business luncheons as well as frequent phone conversations with the President-elect. has more here.


Who will replace Rahm Emanuel? - the musical chairs continue as Representative Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) the incoming White House Chief of Staff is expected to resign soon. The Illinois constitution calls for a special election and many Democrats are lined up to toss their hats into the ring. It is expected the special election primary and general election would be held in February and April to coincide with already scheduled local elections. Some of the names being floated are 38th ward alderman Thomas Allen, 47th ward alderman Gene Schulter, and Cook county commissioner Mike Quigley. The Washington Post has more here.

Round two of the 25 Billion Auto Makers Bail Out to continue next week - GM, ford and Chrysler were told to bring back plans to Congress by December 2 detailing how they plan to retool their companies. The House Financial Services Committee has already scheduled their meeting with them for next Friday, December 5. The Senate banking Committee is expected to announce the date next week of their meeting soon. The Wall Street Journal has more here.
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