
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Democratic Chatter 11-18-2008

George Wenschhof

Today, President-elect Barack Obama remains in Chicago - He and Vice-President elect Joe Biden continue to hold meetings.


Obama continued his reach across Party lines with his meeting with Senator John McCain yesterday - reportedly, they discussed areas where they could work together such as Guantanamo Bay, Immigration, and climate change. You can read more here.


Senator Lieberman's fate with Democratic caucus to be decided today - In a secret ballot, the Democratic Senators will decide whether to allow Lieberman, who is an Independent to caucus with them. After public support from President-elect Barack Obama and Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid, he is expected to retain the chair of the Homeland Security Committee but lose a secondary chair position. The addition of Independents; Lieberman and Bernie Sanders from Vermont give the Democrats 57 Senators. has more here.


Federal reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary meet with house Financial Services Committee this morning - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants more action on help to individuals facing foreclosures. Also expect Representative Barney Frank(D-Mass.) to ask hard questions pertaining to Paulson's decision not to buy troubled mortgages and to inject capital into Banks. Help for the auto industry will also be discussed. has more here.


House Democrats Battle for Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee - the current chair John Dingell (D-Mich.) is facing a serious challenge by Henry Waxman (D-Calf.). has more here.


Will Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) give up post as Chair of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee? - some speculate that after helping the Democrats in the last two elections reach and expand their majority, he will step down. He is facing his own reelection in 2010. The only rumored successor at this point is Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ). Read more here.


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