
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Democratic Chatter 11-13-2008

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, at a press conference, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says they will not be buying troubled mortgages from Banks - this brings confusion to many as some remember that is why congress was asked to pass the 700+ Billion "Troubled Assets Relief Program" (TARP). Instead, he said the money is better used to inject capital into Banks. This statement is sure to get some members of congress going. Stay Tuned. Read more here.


Do you know where the Vice-President home is located? - The answer is the Naval Observatory and today the current VP and VP-elect will meet at the new home for the Bidens. This follows the meeting held by President Bush and President-elect Obama at the White House. Dick and Lynne Cheney are expected to give Joe and Jill Biden a tour and then the VP and VP-elect will have a private meeting. Read more here.


Obama decides to send representatives to economic summit - this is a better move than sending no one. Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright and former Republican Representative Jim Leach will be available to have informal meetings with delegations at the G-20 summit. has more here.


Lame-duck congress may attempt passage of 50 Billion auto-industry aid bill - seems Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) feel passage of another stimulus bill would not get past a White House veto - they intend to bring it up after Obama and the incoming Democratic congressmen are sworn in. However, there is no guarantee of support from the Bush White House for aid to auto makers in addition to the 25 Billion approved earlier. has more here.


Transition Team Leaders named by Obama for 3 Agencies - State Department: Tom Donilon, Wendy Sherman. Defense Department: John White, Michele Flournoy. Treasury Department: Josh Gotbaum, Michael Warren. You can read more here. These names will bring different reactions from political insiders, those current appointees most likely to be shown the exit door, and those who are looking to be part of the incoming administration.

For political junkies, MSNBC "FirstRead" has a lengthy cabinet speculation list. You can read it here.


In case you missed it, Joan Walsh had a good read yesterday in entitled "Palinpalooza!" - the title says it all. You can read it here.


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