
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Democratic Chatter 11-11-2008

George Wenschhof

Today, President-elect Obama, accompanied by disabled veteran Tammy Duckworth will lay a wreath in Chicago in honor of Veterans day - His plans are to stay in Chicago this week to continue planning the transition. has more here.


Yesterday, the meeting with current and future first families went well at the White House - aside from the obligatory photo-ops and tour of the White House, Obama and Bush held a private meeting. During the meeting, Obama urged president Bush to aid the ailing auto industry. has more here.

President Bush is said to be using approval of the Colombia Free Trade Agreement as a bargaining chip to earn his support for both a lame duck congressional stimulus package and aid to the auto industry.


John Podesta, co-chair of the Obama Transition Team is scheduled to give a briefing to the press at 2:00 PM ET - it is unlikely cabinet positions will be announced today or this week. More likely is the announcement of additional White House positions. Former Senator Clinton's campaign manager Patti Solis -Doyle is one of the names being bandied about.


Rumor that Valarie Jarrett would fill Obama's soon to be vacant senate seat, not true - she is currently one of the co-chairs of the Transition Team and a close adviser to Obama. it is more likely she will have a role in the White House. I say Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. is the odds on favorite to be appointed by the Governor to fill the vacant senate seat. You may recall Jackson Jr. was critical of his father's "off-mike" remarks toward Obama during the campaign. has more here.


Musical Chairs continue as Representative John Larson (D-Conn.) is set to replace Emanuel as Democratic Caucus Chairman - when Maryland representative Chris Van Hollen announced he would stay on as chair of the DCCC, it paved the way to what appears to be overwhelming support for Larson to become the chair of the Democratic Caucus. has more here.


"Wailing Palin" says she is open to Presidential run in 2012 - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren of Fox News and indicated she would be open to a run in 2012 or 2016. has more here. Her $150,000 wardrobe will probably need replenishing by then.


Who will emerge as Leaders of the Republican Party? - Lots of re-grouping to do. Will former House Speaker Newt Gingrich make a comeback? How about Governor Tim Pawlenty (Minn.), Bobby Jindal (La.) or Charlie Crist(Fla.)? The NY Times has a good read here.


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