
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 10-19-2008

George Wenschhof

Only two Sundays remain prior to the election, after today. Wall Street woes continue so expect discussion on the bailout bill, renamed the rescue package. The dismal economy has helped the Obama campaign and hurt the Republicans across the board. The impact, if any, from the last presidential debate on Wednesday will be seen in polls released today and on Monday. Early polls following the debate showed a strong majority of voters felt Obama won the debate.

The McCain campaign latest negative emphasis will be on the voter registration organization Acorn and their alleged relationship with the Obama campaign. It has been found that Acorn has submitted voter registration forms for voters who do not exist. Joe the Plumber and Bill Ayers attacks have probably run their mainstream media course. However, the Republican National Committee continues to use them in negative robo-calls to voters.

Another foreign policy flare up is also possible involving Pakistan. The Bush administration had developed strong ties with former President Musharraf but are still struggling to establish a relationship with current President Zardari. The U.S. has intensified their missile strikes targeting the Taliban and Al Qaeda inside Pakistan near the mountainous border regions of Waziristan and Afghanistan. This has brought turmoil inside Pakistan, already beset with an economy on the ropes. A incident here would have the McCain campaign chomping on the bit to exploit it. While, Obama has already displayed his measured response to the recent republic of Georgia and Russia conflict.

Also Governor Sarah Palin will have appeared on Saturday Night Live so expect lots of discussion on her appearance. Expect the movie "W" to receive some mention. Here is the lineup.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Tom Brokaw interviews former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Colin Powell - once again Powell will be asked if he has decided to endorse a candidate for President. The roundtable discussion will include Chuck Todd, Jon Meachum, David Brooks, Andrea Mitchell, and Joe Scarbourough. Expect Todd to give an update on the electoral map. Air-it-Out with George will publish on Sunday our electoral vote update.

ABC "This Week" - George Stephanopoulos interviews Newt Gingrich, former House Majority Leader. Remember, it was his "Contract with America" that led to Republican control of Congress.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Bob Schieffer received positive remarks from both sides of the aisle for his performance as Moderator of the last Presidential debate. Today, he interviews Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio). Also appearing will be Governors Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Matt Blunt (R-Mo.). Both Missouri and Virginia have become battleground states after being "safe" Republican states for over forty years.

Fox News Sunday - Chris Wallace will interview Senator John McCain from Columbus, Ohio, another critical state in this election. It was Ohio, that won the 2004 election for George W. Bush.

CNN "Late Edition" - Wolf Blitzer interviews Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)


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