
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 9-9-2008

George Wenschhof


Today, Obama is in Riverside, Ohio - he is expected to deliver a speech on education at a local high school. The Obama-Biden campaign also released a new ad today painting McCain as out of touch and behind the learning curve in education - watch the ad here. Later in the the day, he will be in Lebanon, Virginia. Biden is in Columbia and St. Louis, Missouri.


Alaska Governor Sarah Palin billed state for time spent at home - The Washington Post has a article today detailing the reimbursements made to the Palin family since she has been Governor. Read more here.

This may be all allowable expenses but it certainly does not mesh well with her comments against wasteful government spending since being named the Republican candidate for vice president.


Dramatic shift in white women voters from Obama to McCain since Palin announcement - A Washington Post/ABC News poll shows white women are favoring McCain now 53% to Obama 41%. Prior to the Democratic convention, the polling numbers were reversed: Obama had 50% and McCain 42%. has more here.

This also shows a significant segment of this voting group is still making up their minds. As more information comes out on Governor Palin, expect a trend of support back to Obama.


Gallup Daily Tracking poll shows McCain 49% and Obama 44% - more importantly, their analysis shows more Independents supporting McCain, from 40% pre convention to 52% now. has more here.


Senator Hillary Clinton Campaigns for Obama in Florida - yesterday, Clinton spoke in Orlando, Kissimmee, and Tampa continuing to use the line from her speech at the Democratic convention, with a minor addition: "No way, no how, no McCain-Palin". The NY Times has more here.


Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) to lose chairman position - it was bad enough Joementum has campaigned for McCain, but giving a speech at the Republican convention is too much. He is currently the chair of the Homeland Security Committee and attends Democratic caucus meetings.

The slim Democratic Senate majority is reached by adding Lieberman so don't look for changes until after the November elections. has more here. Meanwhile, Lieberman's own legislative director, Joe Goffman, resigns without giving a reason and without another job lined up.

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