
Friday, September 5, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 9-5-2008

George Wenschhof


Today, Obama and Biden are in Pennsylvania, one of the battleground states - Obama will be in Wilkes-Barre and Biden will be in Philadelphia and Langhorne.


Republican Convention concludes - "all hat and no cattle" would be a good phrase to use to describe this convention. Other than Republican Vice-President Nominee Sarah Palin stealing the show from McCain, nothing of any substance was said. Unfortunately for the Republicans, a ABC News poll shows only 42% believe Palin has the experience to be President. With Biden, it was 66%. Read more from the poll here.

Senator McCain mentioned change numerous times in his speech, yet in reality he voted with President George W. Bush over 90% of the time. While McCain speaks of continuing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, Senator Obama offers tax cuts for over 95% of Americans with increases only for the wealthiest of Americans.

McCain offered no programs to improve the economy, improve education, or provide affordable health insurance for all. This led Senator Clinton to issue a statement following the conclusion of the Republican convention, amending what she said in her speech at the Democratic Convention to "No Way, No How, No McCain-Palin".

Now that the Tickets are set, expect intense campaigning over the last 61 days. The first Presidential debate is three weeks away and we will keep you posted on that as the date nears. Another note, from this point on the McCain campaign is tied to the 84.1 million in public financing he chose to accept. The Obama campaign announced last night they had received over 10 million in contributions in less than 24 hours since the Governor Palin acceptance speech.


Gallup Daily Tracking Poll has it Obama 49%, McCain 42% - poll data shows that McCain continues to lead in support from religious white voters 65% to 26% over Obama and this has been stable with no change yet after the selection of Palin. has more here.


Unemployment rises to 6.1% - the highest in five years - expect this figure to grow as seasonal summer jobs are now ending. has more here. Home foreclosures also reach record highs - has more here. Meanwhile, the Dow dropped over 300 yesterday and another 86 today and is hovering around 11,100.


Asif Ali Zardari set to become President of Pakistan - the widow of slain former prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. It appears he will prevail in elections on September 6 after he publicly broke ranks with former opposition ally Nawaz Sharif. Zardari was imprisoned twice and while Bhutto was Prime Minister was accused of demanding kickbacks for government cooperation and earned the nickname Mr. ten percent. The NY Times has a good read here. It is important to keep Pakistan political developments on the radar screen for they are a nuclear armed nation whose mountainous borders with Afghanistan are said to be home for Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

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