
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 9-21-2008

George Wenschhof


Today, Obama is in Charlotte, North Carolina - Biden is home in Wilmington, Delaware.


Gallup Daily Tracking Poll has it Obama 50%, McCain 44% - Obama widens his lead as voters focus on the economy. has more here.


700 Billion is what the Bush administration is asking for to stem the Banking crisis - also requested was a increase in the current national debt ceiling, from 10.6 Trillion to 11.3 Trillion. An increase from 9.7 Trillion to 10.6 Trillion was recently done due to this year budget deficit of 450 Billion and the anticipated budget deficit next year of another 450 Billion. I wonder how long it will take to pay off 11.3 Trillion. has more here.

In a statement this morning sure to raise eyebrows and much discussion, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on ABC "This Week", foreign banks will also be able to dump their bad loans under his proposed bail out legislation. has more here.


Florida moves toward Obama as the economy tanks - the economy is not McCain's strong area and the Obama campaign has been pouring it on while Obama has been in Florida. Yesterday, he hammered McCain for his comment pertaining to wanting to deregulating the health insurance companies. has the remarks here.

This after bashing McCain on his support of deregulation which led to the current financial crisis, pointing out McCain wants to privatize Social Security and what would have happened to their investments in the stock market. Obama also pointed out that McCain has seven Lobbyists running his campaign. has the remarks here.

Obama's effort in Florida is paying off as polling shows the state too close to call, a weak 2 point advantage to McCain 47% to 45%. As to who the voters favor regarding the economy; Obama is up big, 49% to 40%. If Obama wins Florida, he will win the election easily. has more here.


Debate formats finalized - advisers to the McCain and Obama campaigns reached agreement with the Commission on Presidential Debates. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Representative Rahn Emanuel (D-Ill) negotiated on behalf of the campaigns. It appears there will be more structure with the one Vice-President debate and more open exchange potential in the three Presidential debates.

Obama will be in Tampa Bay, Florida midweek to prepare for the debate, practicing with Democratic lawyer Greg Craig portraying McCain. The NY Times has more here.

The first Presidential Debate will be Friday televised by CNN - we will remind you and give you the time, etc. as we get closer to the date.

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