
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 9-2-2008

George Wenschhof

Today, Obama is in Chicago, Illinois - campaign headquarters and home. Biden has two town hall meetings in West Palm Beach and Deerfield Beach, Florida.


Day One Republican Convention concludes - video remarks from the Republican Governors of five states affected by hurricane Gustav were shown. First lady Laura Bush and Cindi McCain spoke briefly and asked for donations for relief help to those families affected by the storm.

Some Republican delegates had been dreading the appearance of President Bush and Vice-President Chaney and were relieved when they cancelled. has more here.

Thankfully, the hurricane did not hit land with the force originally predicted. However, loss of power is widespread and storm surges are still possible.


Republicans resume Convention on day 2 - President Bush is expected to speak via satellite around 9:30 PM ET. Also expected to speak is former Senator Fred Thompson (Tenn.) and Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn). Just eight years ago, Lieberman was the Democratic Party VP candidate on the ticket with John Kerry.


Obama urges supporters not to bash Republican VP nominee Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's family - this comes after a series of revelations surrounding family members. has a article today that talks about how these stories may actually help Gov. Palin as many families have gone through the same experiences. You can read the article here.

Obama is right, her positions on the issues are what voters care about and on these issues, she comes down on the same side as President Bush and Americans don't want four more years of the same.


Speaking of Issues, Palin hired a law firm to lobby for 27 million in earmarks - while Mayor of small town Wasilla, Alaska. This is what she was speaking out against when she was announced as McCain's VP pick. By the way, she also supported the infamous Alaska bridge to nowhere before she opposed it. The Chicago Tribune has more here.


Obama benefits from convention - A new USA Today/Gallup poll has it Obama 50% and McCain 43%. A new CBS poll has it Obama 48% and McCain 40%. MSNBC has more here. Also, has a story today on how former Clinton supporters have increased their support for Obama since the convention. Read the article here.


Former Republican Rep. Wayne Gilchrest to endorse Democrat Frank Kratovil - today, in Annapolis. Gilchrest was an incumbent who was upset by Republican state senator Andy Harris in the primary. However, Harris is still expected to have the advantage in this conservative leaning district in Maryland. has more here.

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