
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 9-18-2008

George Wenschhof


Today, Obama is in Espanola, New Mexico - Biden is in Canton, Akron, and Youngstown, Ohio. Michelle Obama is in Charlotte and Greensboro, North Carolina. North Carolina has joined Ohio as states too close to call.


Quinnipiac Poll shows it Obama 49%, McCain 45% - women and black voters are helping Obama retake the lead nationwide. Data also shows voters believe the Obama economic plan would help middle class and poor. Read more here.


The Fed bail out of American Insurance Group (AIG) did not help the jittery markets - Yesterday, the Dow fell another 450 points to close at 10,609, the lowest level since November 2005. So much for the trickle down and less regulation theories of Republicans. has more here. The other big question is why let Lehman Brothers fail and then help AIG? has a good read here.

The economy, already the number one concern of voters, could now become the issue that determines this election. The McCain campaign will have a difficult time distancing themselves from the Bush administration and the Obama campaign will blame the economic crisis on the failed policies of the Bush administration. The bounce McCain received after naming Palin as his VP will dissipate as voters look to see solutions with the economy.

As the financial crisis spreads globally, central banks of countries invest 247 Billion in money markets - the US reserve, European Union Bank, Swiss national bank, the banks of Japan, England and Canada are all investing money aimed at calming the situation. But will printing more currency help? The NY Times has more here.


Adding to the financial crisis the Big Three Auto Companies ask Congress for 25 Billion in Loans - who didn't know this was coming. Years of selling (pushing) large autos, passenger vans and suv's on the American public now have them asking for help. The CEOs of Chrysler, General Motors and Ford met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yesterday to formally request the loan. has more here.

Look to see the energy generating companies to be next in line asking for financial help. It is increasingly clear to see and painful to experience the effects of the Republican Party's obsession with deregulation which has fueled this economic meltdown across the board. Looking for a help or a Buyer now is Constellation Energy Group. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Meanwhile, the candidates for President of the US try to figure out their response to the economic meltdown - it is a fine line for they do not want to instill more fear in the public and investors, yet they want to spell out what they intend to do to correct the situation. has a good read here.

In more bad news for the Republican Party, GOP members of Congress are now openly complaining about the Bush administration handling of the economy and not being kept in the loop as to what Bush intends to do. Read more here.


Perhaps the GOP congressmen should tune in to watch President Bush today at 10:15 AM ET to find out his plan on the economy - He is scheduled to address the Press on the state of the economy from the White House.


CBS "60 Minutes" to air interviews with Obama and McCain on Sunday September 21 - check your local times - it will be broadcast 7:00 PM ET. Interestingly, 40 years ago when they aired their first episode of "60 Minutes" their two interviews were with presidential candidates Hubert Humphrey(D) and Richard Nixon(R). has more here.

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