
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 8-17-2008

George Wenschhof

There is plenty to discuss this Sunday beginning with the Russian - Georgian conflict. Senator John McCain seemed like he was ready to start WW III, while Senator Barack Obama gave an appropriate measured response that interestingly was similar to what President George W. Bush actually has done to date. Let's see what everyone has to say about McCain's foreign policy advisor Randy Scheumann who was a paid lobbyist by Georgia for years prior to taking a leave of absence to work on the McCain campaign - why is he still on his campaign staff?

The Saturday night forum at Saddleback Church moderated by Reverend Rick Warren will receive attention as Warren is sure to ask personal questions to both Obama and McCain.

Jerome Corsi's attack book "The Obama Nation" will be debated as well as McCain's reported comment about how he thought it was humorous.

Unless a surprise announcement happens over the weekend, expect more speculation on who will be the VP picks by Obama and McCain. If you look at what Democrat who is in consideration and who has not been receiving much attention lately, that would be Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed. Also expect general talk on both of the conventions with the Democratic Convention in Denver beginning on Monday August 25. To receive a week of press and hopefully a slight bounce in the polls, expect Obama to name his VP on Monday, if he doesn't do it today.

Also, sure to be brought up is money - the McCain campaign fundraising totals for July was 27 million and the Republican National Committee reported 26 million for a total of 53 million. For the month of June, the Obama campaign reported 52 million.

Will John Edwards and Rielle Hunter escape further discussion and gossip? Doubtful, as Edward's long statement of admission of an extramarital affair raised more questions than answers.

CBS "Face the Nation" - has Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice back from meeting with President of France Sarkozy and then personally taking the negotiated cease-fire agreement to Georgian President Saakashvili for him to sign. Saturday, she was in Crawford, Texas to meet with President Bush.

Also appearing, Republican Governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty who is on the McCain campaign short list for VP and Democratic Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana on Obama's short list for VP.

NBC "Meet the Press" - Rice appears again. Also Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, another who is on McCain's short list for VP and Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, a contender for Obama's VP.

Tom Brokaw will also have the popular political roundtable discussion - one on the roundtable is Atlantic's Josh Green who just penned the September issue article on the craziness that was happening inside the Clinton campaign during the primary.

ABC "This Week" - Defense Secretary Robert Gates is the guest of George Stephanopoulos. Also McCain VP contender, former Governor Mitt Romney (R-Mass.) and Obama supporter, former Senate Majority Leader, Tom Daschle (D-S.D.).

Fox News Sunday - Condoleeza Rice makes it a trifecta. Also appearing is Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and former Pa. Governor Tom Ridge (R), both VP possibilities.

CNN - "Late edition" - Wolf Blitzer has Defense Secretary Bob Gates, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) and Indiana Senator Richard Lugar. Also discussing the House races will be Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md) and Rep. Eric Canter (R-Va.). I have been kidding about this for a while now, but if Richardson has shaved his beard he grew after he dropped out of the Democratic primary, expect him to be Obama's VP pick.

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