
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Introduces Biden in Springfield, Illinois

George Wenschhof

Senator Obama spoke about how it was good to be back in Springfield, alluding to the place where he made his announcement in February of 2007. He thanked Illinois Senator Dick Durbin for his help. He also mentioned his thoughts and prayers are with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones's (D-OH) family and friends. Jones passed away after a brain aneurysm earlier this week.

He spoke of the time for a change, that we can not have four more years of the same. He has searched for a leader who is ready to step in and be President and has found him, Joe Biden. An expert in foreign policy who is uniquely suited as we work to put our country back on track. He spoke of Biden's life and background, some of the family tragedies and triumphs and the fact he kept his residence in Delaware and returned home on the train at night after spending the day in D.C.

Spoke of Biden's Violence against Women act, equal pay for all support. He has been a critic of the last 8 years of the failed foreign policies of the Bush administration. Spoke of how he just returned from the republic of Georgia after being invited to meet with the President Saakashvili. Continued on with more of his stump speech.

Introduces Joe Biden: Biden begins by saying President Lincoln once said to be sure to place your feet in the right place and then stand firm. He is sure he is placing his feet in the right place with Obama and is ready to stand firm. Talks about getting knocked down and getting back up - part of the American dream, a dream being pushed further and further away with the Bush administration.

We can not stand four more years of tax cuts for the rich, failed foreign policy, and failed energy policies. Need to level with the American people, he and Obama believe in the American people. He believes Washington is broken and it is time for a total change. It requires a wise leader who can deliver and Obama is that man.

He has know McCain for years and he is a fine man, but you can't change America when you support Bush 95% of the time. He then used McCain own words on a host of issues and said each time you can't change America this way.

You learn a lot about a man when you watch him campaign and debate him many times. He watched Obama meet these challenges. He expressed his disappointed in John McCain in resorting to swift boat type of tactics. Obama has the ability to bring people together. A man raised by a single mother. He is proud to join Obama on this journey. He is there for the working people. Time to elect Barack Obama as President. God Bless America.

A good introduction and first appearance by the Democratic ticket. 9:25 PM ET Update - In case you may have missed the speech by Biden, here is the Biden video.

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