
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Excitement Builds in Denver

Bob Kresslein

Editor's Note: Bob Kresslein is chair of the Frederick County, Maryland Democratic State Central Committee. As he is able to send posts to us, we will publish for you.

Received 4:32 PM ET

The assembled masses are buzzing with anticipation as today's third session of the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION approaches. Clinton delegates met this morning for a caucus which one imagines to be quite interesting. How many Clinton delegates hold for Hillary or vote for Obama? Conventional wisdom (no pun intended) is that Hillary will release her delegates and many will elect to vote for Obama, taking the opportunity to cast their vote for this historic nominee. Stay tuned.

In the Maryland delegation, it was Sheila Dixon Day, the Baltimore Mayor hosting breakfast. We were joined by a particularly at-ease Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who was at once charming and tough, taking on John McCain's less than stellar health care record.

Last night Attorney General Doug Gansler hosted an event at Gumbo's Restaurant on 16th Street featuring Robert Kennedy Jr., as a speaker. He convincingly discussed how the Bush Administration has abused the constitutional liberties of Americans and tarnished America reputation as the protector of such liberties around the world.

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