
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 8-24-2008

George Wenschhof

Today, Obama is in Eau Claire, Wisconsin - he begins his tour of battleground states prior to arriving in Denver on Wednesday. Senator Joe Biden is on his way to Denver for the Democratic convention.


Now the Democratic VP is known, who will McCain choose? - The suspects are all Governors; Charlie Crist (Fla.), Tim Pawlenty (Minn.), Bobby Jindal (La.), and former Governor Mitt Romney (Mass.). Also floated is former secretary of state Colin Powell, whose name was also floated by the Democrats. Read more here.

My guess would be Romney. They need someone who can stand up to Biden in the one Vice-Presidential debate, which will not be easy. Also Romney would help McCain in Michigan, a state they need to win in November. In addition, his business experience would be helpful with the American economy tanking. However, he would be another candidate coming from lots of money and the Democrats would have fun trying to add up all the houses McCain and Romney own.


McCain campaign continues attack ads - the latest is using a clip from Senator Clinton during the Democratic primary. Many Democratic strategist were concerned that as the Democratic primary dragged on and became more vicious, the Republicans would use what was said against the Democratic Party nominee. Here is the first video of probably more to come.


More U.S. aid arrives in the republic of Georgia - as tensions remain high between Russia and Georgia, a U.S. ship arrived with more supplies. Russia is saying it has completed it's withdraw from Georgia and the remaining troops around South Ossetia and Abkhazia are peace keepers. has more here.


Keep an eye on the Pakistan Presidential election on September 6 - Biden's selection as Obama's running mate will hit home even more as this drama unfolds. Asif Ali Zardari, the husband of late Benazir Bhutto is head of her Pakistan People's Party and will run for President. This move is a break from the Musharraf opposition coalition which included former prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Sharif is head of the Pakistan Muslim League-N. has a good read here.

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