
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 8-20-2008

George Wenschhof

Today, Obama is in Virginia - he will visit Lynchburg and Martinsville attending townhalls. Virginia Governor Tim Kaine is considered to be among the top five finalists for the VP nomination - I don't see it happening. Virginia Jim Webb and former Va. Governor Mark Warner join him today. Obama is also scheduled to be in Virginia tomorrow joined by Governor Kaine. has more here.


Wow! Zogby/Reuters Poll has it McCain 46% Obama 41% - looks like Obama is going to need the VP announcement and the Democratic Convention to help him recapture the lead in the polls. The poll shows Obama losing ground all across the board among Democrats, Women, Younger voters, Catholics and Southerners.

The poll was conducted August 14-16 and has a margin of error of 3 points One month ago, in the Reuters/Zogby poll, Obama was up 47% to 40% for MCcain. has more here.


The Obama VP rollout continues - now the speculation is Senator Obama will make the announcement on Saturday at a rally in Springfield, Illinois that will kick off a quick battleground state tour before he arrives at the Convention in Denver. The Chicago Sun Times has more here. This is the same location he made his announcement of his run for the Democratic Party nomination. His campaign manager, David Plouffe will be sending a email and text message to supporters informing them first so we will let you know when we hear. It is more likely the announcement will occur today or tomorrow to allow for more media coverage.

Can we scratch Senator Biden from the list? - as he drove away from his home in Wilmington, Delaware last evening, he told reporters, "I'm not the Guy". Perhaps all the Senator Hillary Clinton glitter and attention at the Convention is more than just appeasement to her supporters, but I doubt it. I like Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island and would not discount former Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia.


The Gang's all here - more Speakers have been added to the Democratic Convention beginning Monday night. Former president Jimmy carter will speak Monday and on Wednesday, VP night, Senators Jack Reed (R.I.), John Kerry (Mass.) and former Senate majority Leader Tom Daschle (S.D.). Has anyone been left out? Still time to invite Reverend Jesse Jackson. has more here.


Poland signs Missile agreement with U.S. - as I mentioned two days ago, this is part of the Missile defense system the Bush administration wants to deploy in Europe. This, to the consternation of Russia whose recent action in the republic of Georgia has captured media attention. Stay tuned to these developments as they are all interrelated. has more here.


Also, keep an eye on Pakistan - The resignation of President Musharraf does not mean all is well. Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif were brought together by their opposition to Musharraf, but are not in agreement on the way forward. Sharif wants the Judges dismissed by Musharraf during the suspension of the constitution, reinstated and Zadari does not, partly due in fact to concerns over his own liability regarding past issues. has more here.

Remember also, Pakistan is armed with nuclear weapons and has long had bitter relations with India which were calmed during the Musharraf administration.


Interesting - Hillary Clinton's brother meets with Carly Fiorina - Fiorina happens to be McCain's economic adviser. Also at the meeting was Kathleen Kane who coordinated Clinton's Pennsylvania campaign. Perhaps, it was just a casual dinner meeting. has more here.

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